- 1943 |
Die Schauspielerin Ethel Lynne trat erstmals 1915 beim Film in Erscheinung,
zu ihren ersten Auftritten vor der Kamera gehören "Wanted: A Leading
Lady" (15) und "Love and a Savage" (15).
Bereits im darauffolgenden Jahr avancierte sie zu einer vielbeschäftigten
Filmdarstellerin, ihre Karriere dauerte jedoch nur wenige Jahre.
Zu ihren weiteren Filmen gehören "When the Losers Won" (16), "Across
the Hall" (16), "He's a Devil" (16), "His Baby" (16), "His Wedding Night"
(16), "Bride and Gloom" (17), "Suspended Sentence" (17), "The Milky Way"
(17), "The Honeymooners" (17) und "Thirty Days" (17).
Zu ihren letzten filmischen Auftritten gehören "Five to Five" (18),
"In the Dark" (18), "This Way Out" (18), "Brides for Two" (19) und "The
Amazing Wife" (19).
Nach einem kurzen Unterbruch folgte in den 20er Jahren ihr letzter Film
mit "Ever Since Eve" (21).
Weitere Filme mit Ethel Lynne:
Some Chaperone (15) Jed's Trip
to the Fair (16) The Boy the Girl and the Auto (16) When Aunt Matilda Fell
(16) A Quiet Super for Four (16) Her Friend, the Doctor (169 When Lizzie
Disappeared (16) The Janitor's Busy Day (16) He Almost Eloped (16) How
Times Do Change (16) A Leap Year Tangle (16) Her Celluloid Hero (16) All
Over a Stocking (16) Their Awful Predicament (16) Wanted: A Husband (16)
Almost a Widow (16) Catching That Burglar (16) By the Sad Sea Waves (16)
The Making Over a Mother (16) Miss Billie Buttons (16) A Gay Deceiver (17)
Small Change (17) Oh, for a Wife! (17) Kidding Sister (17) As Luck Would
Have It (17) His Flirting Ways (17) Sauce for the Goose (17) Clothes and
the Man (17) Twice in the Same Place (17) Practice What You Preach (17)
Father's Bright Idea (17) With the Mummies' Help (17) His Last Pill (17)
Five Little Widows (17) Skirts (17) He Fell on the Beach (17) A Smoky Love
Affair (17) Her Merry Mix-Up (17) Crazy by Proxy (17) Almost a Bigamist
(17) Local Color (17) More Haste, Less Speed (17) Stepping Out (17) Nearly
a Papa (17) Help! Help! Police! (17) When It Strikes Home (18) Their Honeymoon
Baby (18) Many a Slip (18) The Night of His Life (18) Red Crossed (18)
The Biggest Show on Earth (18) Love and a Gold Brick (18) Her Slumbering
Hero (18) Know Your Neighbor (18) Are Second Marriages Happy? (18) Don't
Believe Everything (18) Look Who's Here (18) Hard Luck (19) Stop, Look
and Listen (19) Can Wives Be Trusted? (19) He Who Hesitates (19) Lobster
Dressing (19) Reno: All Change! (19)