Ruth Miller
 Foto: Nelson Evans (1890-1923)
- 1995 |
The actress Patsy Ruth Miller owed the start of her film career to
the actress Alla Nazimova who she met at a party.
She placed Patsy Ruth Miller for a small role in the movie "Camille"
(21) with the legendary Rudolph Valentino in the leading part.
Afterwards she soon gained a foothold in the film business and she was
engaged for numerous other movies.
To these productions belong "Handle with Care" (22), "For Big Stakes"
(22), "Fortune's Mask" (22), her well-known role as Esmeralda in "The Hunchback
of Notre Dame" (23), "My Man" (24), "Fools in the Dark" (24), "King of
the Turf" (25), "Lorraine of the Lions" (25), "Camille" (26), "Hell Bent
for Heaven" (26), "So This Is Paris" (26), "Wolf's Clothing" (27), "Shanghaied"
(27), "The Tragedy of Youth" (28), "Beautiful But Dumb" (28), "The Fall
Eve" (29) and "The Aviator" (29).
The sound film of the 30s marked the end of ther film career and she
only took part in "The Last of the Lone Wolf" (30), "Lonely Wives" (31),
"The Great Junction Hotel" (31), "Night Beat" (31) and "The Thalians" (32).
Afterwards she retired from the film business and she started her second
career as a writer of short stories which were awarded several times. Beside
it she also wrote the novel "That Flanagan Girl" (39) and the book "Music
in My Heart" about Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
She made a brief comeback as an actress in 1952 with "Quebec" (51),
and after another interruption of 27 years she appeared again in front
of the camera for "Mother" (78) where she played the title role.
Patsy Ruth Miller was among others married with the director Tay Garnett
and the screen writer John Lee Mahin.
Her brother Winston Miller was a well-known screen writer and actor.
Other movies with Patsy Ruth Miller:
One a Minute (21) Camille (21) Handle with Care (22)
Where's My Wandering Boy Tonight? (22) Watch Your Step (22) The Fighting
Streak (22) For Big Stakes (22), Trimmed (22) Remembrance (22) Fortune's
Mask (22) Omar the Tentmaker (22) The Girl Loved (23) The Hunchback of
Notre Dame (23) The Drivin' Fool (23) Name the Man (24) Daughters of Today
(24) The Yankee Consul (24) My Man (24) Singer Jim McKee (24) The Breaking
Point (24) A Self-Made Failure (24) Girls Men Forget (24) Fools in the
Dark (24) The Wise Virgin (24) The Breath of Scandal (24) Those Who Judge
(24) King of the Turf (25) Her Husband's Secret (25) Back to Life (25)
Head Winds (25) The Girl on the Stairs (25) Lorraine of the Lions (25)
Red Hot Tires (25) Rose of the World (25) Hogan's Alley (25) Camille (26)
The Fighting Edge (26) The King of the Turf (26) Why Girls Go Back Home
(26) Oh What a Nurse! (26) HellBent for Heaven (26) So This Is Paris (26)
Broken Hearts of Hollywood (26) Private Izzy Murphy (26) The White Black
Sheep (26) Wolf's Clothing (27) What Every Girl Should Know (27) The First
Auto (27) Painting the Town (27) Shanghaied 827) Once and Forever (27)
South Sea Love (27) A Hero for a Night (27) The Tragedy of Youth (28) We
Americans (28) Red Riders of Canada (28) Hot Heels (28) Beautiful But Dumb
(28) Marriage by Contract (28) The Gate Crasher (28) Tropical Nights (28)
The Fall of Eve (29) Twin Beds (29) The Hottentot (29) Whispering Winds
(29) So Long Letty (29) The Sap (29) The Show of Shows (29) The Aviator
(29) Wide Open (30) The Last of the Lone Wolf (30) Lonely Wives (31) The
Great Junction Hotel (31) Night Beat (31) The Thalians (32) Quebec (51)
Mother (78) |