 Photo: Albert Witzel (1879-1929)
- 1940 |
Der Schauspieler Tom Mix war einer der bedeutendsten Cowboy-Stars,
den die Leinwand je sah. Durch seine enorme Popularität hatte er entscheidenden
Einfluss auf das Western-Genre.
Tom Mix war ein bekannter Rodeo-Star und arbeitete für kurze Zeit
als Texas Ranger. Schliesslich arbeitete er für die Selig Company
und erhielt erste kleine Nebenrollen in Filmen wie "Ranch Life in the Great
Southwest" (10), "The Range Rider" (10), "Captain Kate" (11), "The Totem
Mark" (11), "Lost in the Jungle" (11) und "Saved by the Pony Express" (11).
Innert kürzester Zeit spielte Tom Mix in über hundert Kurzfilmen
und einigen Spielfilmen mit. In den kommenden Jahren agierte er u.a. in
"His Father's Deputy" (13), "The Good Indian" (13), "The Escape of Jim
Dolan" (13), "The White Mouse" (14), "The Sheriff's Reward" (14), "The
Outlaw's Bride" (15), "Slim Higgings" (15), "Along the Border" (16), "Some
Duel" (16) und "The Pony Express Rider" (16).
1917 ging Tom Mix zur Fox Film Corporation, wo er in actionreichen Filmen
mit komödiantischem Flair spielte. Dank seiner Athletik und seinen
Fähigkeiten als Reiter vollbrachte er alle notwendigen Stunts selber.
In den kommenden Jahren agierte er in "Hearts and Saddles" (17), "Ace High"
(18), "Fame and Fortune" (18), "The Feud" (19) und "The Daredevil" (20).
Als sein Film "The Untamed" (20) in die Kinos kam, avancierte Tom Mix
zu einem der Top-Stars und er konnte in einer ganzen Reihe beachtlicher
Filme wie "Sky High" (21), "Soft Boiled" (23), "The Lone Star Ranger" (23),
"North of Hudson Bay" (23), "The Best Bad Man" (25), "Riders of the Purple
Sage" (25), "The Rainbow Trail" (25), "The Great K & A Train Robbery"
(26) und "The Last Trail" (27) mitwirken - etliche Filme basierten auf
Bestsellern des Schriftstellers Zane Grey.
Gegen Ende der 20er Jahre war der Westernfilm nicht mehr so gefragt
wie in den Jahren zuvor. Mit diesem veränderten Anspruch des Publikums
begann auch der Stern von Tom Mix zu sinken. Die Qualität der Filme
lies nach, dennoch wirkte er bis zum Ende der Stummfilmzeit noch in den
Filmen "Outlaws of Red River" (27), "Silver Valley" (27), "Hello Cheyenne"
(28), "King Cowboy" (28), "Outlawed" (29) und "The Drifter" (29) mit.
Nach einem dreijährigen Unterbruch kehrte er mit einigen Tonfilmen
auf die Leinwand zurück, die für Universal entstanden - "Destry
Rides Again" (32), "The Fourth Horseman" (32), "The Rider of Death Valley"
(32) und "Torror Trail" (33). In die Jahre gekommen konnte er auch nicht
mehr alle Stunts selber ausführen. Sein letzter Film war "The Miracle
Rider (35), wo etliche seiner Szenen von einem Double gespielt wurden.
Nebst als Schauspieler trat Tom Mix auch als Regisseur, Produzent und
Drehbuchautor in Erscheinung.
Seinen legendären Ruf festigte er mit einer lange Jahre laufenden
Radio-Show, die er 1933 begann und die erst 1950 - zehn Jahre nach seinem
Tod - eingestellt wurde.
1940 verunglückte Tom Mix mit seinem Roadster tödlich auf
dem Highway.
Weitere Filme mit Tom Mix:
The Cowboy Millionaire (09) Briton
and Boer (09) On the Little Big Horn or Custer's Last Stand (09) An Indian
Wife's Devotion (099 Trimming of Paradise Gulch (10) Up San Juan Hill (10)
Taming Wild Animals (10) Pride of the Range (10) The Long Trail (10) Back
to the Primitive (11) The Rose of Old St. Augustine (11) Life on the Border
(11) Dad's Girls (11) Lost in the Arctic (11) Why the Sheriff Is a Bachelor
(11) Western Hearts (11) The Telltale Knife (11) A Romance of the Rio Grande
(11) The Bully of Bingo Gulch (11) The Wheels of Justice (11) The Schoolmaster
of Mariposa (11) Rescued by Her Lions (11) Outlaw Reward (11) Kit Carson's
Wooing (11) In the Days of Gold (11) In Old California When the Gringos
Came (11) A Reconstructed Rebel (12) The Range Law (13) Juggling with Fate
(13) The Sheriff of Yawapai County (13) The Life Timer (13) The Shotgun
Man and the Stage Driver (13) Religion and Gun Practice (13) The Law and
the Outlaw (13) Taming a Tenderfoot (13) The Marshal's Capture (13) Sallie's
Sure Shot (13) Made a Coward (13) The Taming of Texas Pete (13) The Stolen
Moccasins (13) An Apache's Gratitude (13) How Betty Made Good (13) Tobias
Wants Out (13) Howlin' Jones (13) The Rejected Lover's Luck (13) The Cattle
Thief's Escape (13) Saved From the Vigilantes (13) Dishwash Dick's Counterfeit
(13) A Muddle in Horse Thieves (13) The Schoolmarm's Shooting Match (13)
The Sheriff and the Rustler (13) Buster's Little Game (13) Mother Love
vs. Gold (13) The Wordless Message (13) Songs of Truce (13) A Prisoner
of Cabanas (13) Pauline Cushman, the Federal Spy (13) The Noisy Six (13)
Local Color (13) How It Happened (13) Budd Doble Comes Back (13) Shotgun
Jones (14) The Wilderness Mail (14) Out of the Petticoat Lane (14) Your
Girl and Mine: A Woman Suffrage Play (14) The Losing Fight (14) The Scapegoat
(14) In the Days of the Thundering Herd (14) The Man from the East (14)
The Lure of the Windigo (14) The Flower of Faith 14) Wiggs Takes the Rest
Cure (14) When the Cook Fell Ill (14) The Way of the Redman (14) Wade Brent
Pays (14) To Be Calles for (14) The Telltale Knife (14) The Soul Mate (14)
Saved by a Watch (14) The Rival Stage Lines (14) The Reveler (14) The Real
Thing in Cowboys (14) The Ranger's Romance (14) The Moving Picutre Cowboy
(14) A Militant School Ma'am (14) The Mexican (14) Me an' Bill (14) The
Lonesome Trail (14) The Livid Flame (14) The Little Sister (14) The Leopard's
Foundling (14) Jimmy Hayes and Muriel (14) Jim (14) In Defiance of the
Law (14) If I Were Young Again (14) His Fight (14) Hearts and Masks (14)
The Going of the White Swan (14) Four Minutes Late (14) Finish (14) The
Fifth Man (14) Etienne of the Glad Heart (14) Chip of the Flying U (14)
Cactus Jack Heartbreaker (14) Buffalo Hunting (14) A Child of the Prairie
(15) The Conversion of Smiling Tom (15) Saved by Her Horse (15) The Gold
Dust and the Squaw (15) Never Again (15) The Range Girl and the Cowboy
(15) Her Slight Mistake (15) The Auction Sale of Run-Down Ranch (15) The
Girl and the Mail Bag (15) The Foreman's Choice (15) The Race for a Gold
Mine (15) Athletic Ambitions (15) The Tenderfoot's Triumph (15) The Impersonation
of Tom (15) Bad Man Bobbs (15) On the Eagle Trail (15) With the Aid of
the Law (15) The Taking of Mustang Pete (15) The Stagecoach Guard (15)
The Stagecoach Driver and the Girl (15) Sagebrush Tom (15) Roping a Bride
(15) The Puny Soul of Peter Rand (15) The Parson Who Fled West (15) Pals
in Blue (15) Mrs. Murphy's Cooks (15) A Matrimonial Boomerang (15) The
Man from Texas (15) Ma's Girls (15) A Lucky Deal (15) The Legal Light (15)
How Weary Went Wooing (15) Hearts of the Jungle (15) The Heart of the Sheriff
(15) Harold's Bad Man (15) The Grizzly Gulch Chariot Race (15) Getting
a Start in Life (15) Forked Trails (15) Foreman of Bar Z Ranch (15) The
Face at the Window (15) The Child, the Dog and the Villain (15) The Chef
at Circle G (15) Cactus Jim's Shopgirl (15) The Brave Deserve the Fair
(15) Bill Haywood, Producer (15) An Arizona Wooing (15) The Desert Calls
Its Own (16) A Mix-Up in Movies (16) Making good (16) Trilby's Love Disaster
(16) The Passing of Pete (16) Too Many Chefs (16) The Sheriff's Duty (16)
The Man Within (16) A Five-Thousand Dollar Elopement (16) Crooked Trails
(16) Going West to Make Good (16) The Cowpuncher's Peril (16) Taking a
Chance (16) The Girl of Gold Gulch (16) Legal Advice (16) Shooting Up the
Movies (16) Local Color on the A-1 Ranch (16) An Angelic Attitude (16)
A Western Masquerade (16) A Bear of a Story (16) Tom's Strategy (16) The
Taming of Grouchy Bill (16) A Corner in Water (16) The Canby Hill Outlaws
(16) A Mistake in Rustlers (16) An Eventful Evening (16) A Close Call (16)
Tom's Sacrifice (16) When Cupid Slipped (16) The Sheriff's Blunder (16)
The Way of the Redman (16) Twisted Trails (16) Roping a Sweetheart (16)
The Raiders (16) Mistakes Will Happen (16) The Golden Thought (17) Starring
in Western Stuff (17) Delayed in Transit (17) The Luck That Jealouxy Brought
(17) The Saddle Girth (17) The Heart of Texas Ryan (17) A Roman Cowboy
(17) Six Cylinder Love (17) Durand of the Bad Lands (17) A Soft Tenderfoot
(17) Tom and Jerry Mix (17) Six Shooter Andy (18) Who's Your Father? (18)
Mr. Logan, U.S.A. (18) Western Blood (18) Cupid's Roundup (18) Treat 'Em
Rough (19) Hell-Roarin' Reform (19) The Coming of the Law (19) Rough-Riding
Romance (19) The Speed Maniac (19) The Wilderness Trail (19) Fighting for
Gold (19) Days of Daring (20) Prairie Trails (20) Three Gold Coins (20)
The Texan (20) The Terror (20) Desert Love (20) The Cyclone (20) Hands
Off (21) A Ridin' Romeo (21) Big Town Round-up (21) After Your Own Heart
(21) The Rough Diamond (21) Trailin' (21) The Road Demon (21) The Night
Horsemen (21) Chasing the Moon (22) Up and Going (22) The Fighting Streak
(22) For Big Stakes (22) Just Tony (22) Do and Dare (22) Tom Mix in Arabia
(22) Catch My Smoke (22) Romance Land (23) Three Jumps Ahead (23) Stepping
Fast (23) Mile-a-Minute Romeo (23) Eyes of the Forest (23) Ladies to Boarad
(24) The Trouble Shooter (24) The Heart Buster (24) The Last of the Duanes
(24) Oh, You Tony! (24) Teeth (24) The Deadwood Coach (24) Pals in Blue
(24) Dick Turpin (25) The Lucky Horseshoe (25) The Everlasting Whisper
(25) The Yankee Senor (26) My Own Pal (26) Tony Runs Wild (26) Hard Boiled
(26) No Man's Gold (26) The Canyon of Light (26) The Broncho Twister (27)
The Circus Ace (27) Tumbling River (27) The Arizona Wildcat (27) Daredevil's
Reward (28) A Horseman of the Plains (28) Painted Post (28) Son of the
Golden West (28) The Bigt Diamond (29) Texas Bad Man (32) My Pal, the King
(32) Hidden Gold (32) Flaming Guns (32) Rustlers Roundup (33)
Why the Sheriff Is a Bachelor (11)
Local Color (13) The Scapegoat (14) The Man from the East (14) The Way
of the Redman (14) The Telltale Knife (14) The Sheriff's Reward (14) Saved
by a Watch (14) The Rival Stage Lines (14) The Real Thing in Cowboys (14)
The Ranger's Romance (14) The Moving Picutre Cowboy (14) A Militant School
Ma'am (14) The Mexican (14) Jimmy Hayes and Muriel (14) Cactus Jack Heartbreaker
(14) A Child of the Prairie (15) The Outlawj's Bride (15) The Conversion
of SmilingTom (15) Saved by Her Horse (15) The Gold Dust and teh Squaw
(15) Never Again (15) The Range Girl and the Cowboy (15) Her Slight Mistake
(15) The Auction Sale of Run-Down Ranch (15) The Girl and the Mail Bag
(15) The Foreman's Choice (15) The Race for A Gold Mine (15) Athletic Ambitions
(15) The Tenderfoot's Triumph (15) The Impersonation of Tom (15) Bad Man
Bobbs (15) On the Eagle Trail (15) With the Aid of the Law (15) The Taking
of Mustang Pete (15) The Stagecoach Guard (15) The Stagecoach Driver and
the Girl (15) Slim Higgins (15) Sagebrush Tom (15) Roping a Bride (15)
Pals in Blue (15) Mrs. Murphy's Cooks (15) A Matrimonial Boomerang (15)
The Man from Texas (15) Ma's Girls (15) A Lucky Deal (15) The Legal Light
(15) How Weary Went Wooing (15) The Heart of the Sheriff (15) Harold's
Bad Man (15) The Grizzly Gulch Chariot Race (15) Getting a Start in Life
(15) Forked Trails (15) Foreman of Bar Z Ranch (15) The Child, the Dog
and the Villain (15) The Chef at Circle G (15) Cactus Jim's Shopgirl (15)
The Brave Deserve the Fair (15) Boll Haywood, Producer (15) An Arizona
Wooig (15) The Desert Calls Its Own (16) A Mix-Up in Movies (16) Making
Good (16) Trilby's Love Disaster (16) The Passing of Pete (16) Along the
Border (16) Too Many Chefs (16) The Sheriff's Duty (16) The Man Within
(16) A Five-Thousand Dollar Elopement (16) Crooked Trails (16) Going West
to Make Good (16) The Cowpuncher's Peril (16) Taking a Chance (16) Some
Duel (16) The Girl of Gold Gulch (16) Legal Advice (16) Shooting Up the
Movies (16) Local Color on the A-1 Ranch (16) An Angelic Attitude (16)
A Western Masquerade (16) A Bear of a Story (16) Tom's Strategy (16) The
Taming of Grouchy Bill (16) The Pony Express Rider (16) A Cornerin Water
(16) The Canby Hill Outlaws (16) A Mistake in Rustlers (16) An Eventful
Evening (16) A Close Call 816) Tom's Sacrifice (16) The Sheriff's Blunder
(16) The Way of teh Redman (16) Twisted Trails (16) Roping a Sweetheart
(16) The Raiders (16) Mistakes Will Happen (16) The Golden Thought (17)
Starring in Western Stuff (17) The Luck That Jealousy Brought (17) The
Saddle Girth (17) Hearts and Saddles (17) A Roman Cowboy (17) Six Cylinder
Love (17) A Soft Tenderfoot (17) Tom and Jerry Mix (17) Who's Your Father?
(18) The Daredevil (20) Days of Daring (20)
Why the Sheriff Is a Bachelor (11) The Law and the Outlaw
(13) The Sheriff and the Rustler (13) The Escape of Jim Dolan (13) Local
Color (13) The Scapegoat (14) The Man from the East (14) The Way of the
Redman (14) The Telltale Knife (14) The Sheriff's Reward (14) Saved by
a Watch (14) The Ranger's Romance (14) The Moving Picture Cowboy (14) The
Mexican (14) A Child of the Prairie (15) Never Again (15) The Range Girl
and the Cowboy (15) Athletic Ambitions (15) The Stagecoach Guard (15) The
Stagecoach Driver and the Girl (15) Slim Higgins (15) Sagebrush Tom (15)
Pals in Blue (15) Mrs. Murphy's Cooks (15) Ma's Girls (15) A Lucky Deal
(15) The Heart of the Sheriff (15) The Brave Deserve the Fair (15) A Mix-Up
in Movies (16) Trilby's Love Disaster (16) The Passing of Pete (16) Along
the Border (16) Too Many Chefs (16) The Sheriff's Duty (16) Crooked Trails
(16) Going West to Make Good (16) The Cowpuncher's Peril (16) Taking a
Chance (16) Some Duel (16) Legal Advice (16) An Angelic Attitude (16) A
Western Masquerade (16) A Bear of a Story (16) Tom's Strategy (16 The Taming
of Grochy Bill (16) The Pony Express Rider (16) A Corner in Water (16)
The Canby Hill Outlaws (16) A Mistake in Rustlers (16) A Close Call (16)
Tom's Sacrifice (16) The Sheriff's Blunder (16) The Way of the Redman (16)
Roping a Sweetheart (16) The Raiders (16) Mistakes Will Happen (16) Starring
in Western Stuff (17) The Saddle Girth (17) Hearts and Saddles (17) A Roman
Cowboy (17) Six Cylinder Love (17) A Soft Tenderfoot (17) Tom and Jerry
Mix (17) The Daredevil (20) The Terror (20) Desert Love (20) A Ridin' Romeo
(21) After Your Own Heart (21) The Rough Diamond (21) Chasing the Moon
(22) Up and Going (22) Tom Mix in Arabia (22)
Never Again (15) The Foreman's
Choice (15) The Impersonation of Tom (15) Bad Man Bobbs (15) On the Eagle
Trail (15) With the Aid of the Law (15) A Lucky Deal (15) How Eary Went
Wooing (15) The Chef at Circle G (15) The Desert Calls Its Own (16) A Mix-Up
in Movies (16) Trilby's Love Disaster (16) The Passing of Pete (16) Along
the Border (16) Too Many Chefs (16) The Sheriff's Duty (16) A Five-Thousand
Dollar Elopement (16) Crooked Trails (16) Going West to Make Good (16)
The Cowpuncher's Peril (16) Taking a Chance (16) Some Duel (16) The Girl
of Gold Gulch (16) Legal Advice (16) Local Color on the A-1 Ranch (16)
An Angelic Attitude (16) A Western Masquerade (16) A Bear of a Story (16)
Tom's Strategy (16) The Taming of Grouchy Bill (16) The Pony Express Rider
(16) A Corner in Water (16) The Canby Hill Outlaws (16) A Mistake in Rustlers
(16) An Eventful Evening (16) A Close Call (16) Tom's Sacrifice (16) The
Sheriff's Blunder (16) twisted Trails (16) Roping a Sweetheart (16) The
Raiders (16) Mistakes Will Happen (16) The Golden Thought (17) Starring
in Western Stuff (17) The Luck That Jealousy Brought (17) The Saddle Girth
(17) Six Cylinder Love (17) Days of Daring (20) |