MAIL English Version

Harry T. Morey

Harry T. Morey

1873 - 1936

Der Schauspieler Harry Temple Morey gehörte zu den Filmpionieren in den USA.

Vor seiner Laufbahn beim Film arbeitete er regelmässig beim Theater, wo er zahlreiche Rollen verkörpern konnte und sowohl klassische Rollen von Shakespeare als auch in Musicals spielte.

Als er sich schliesslich dem Film zuwandte, begann er seine dortige Aktivität nicht als Schauspieler sondern als Regisseur des Kurzfilms "Ben Hur" (07), der ersten Verfilmung dieses Stoffes überhaupt. Die Regie teilte er mit Sidney Olcott und Frank Rose. Die Rolle des Ben Hur wurde von Hermann Rottger, jene des Messala von William S. Hart verkörpert.

1909 unterzeichnete Harry T. Morey einen Vertrag bei Vitagraph Film und ein Jahr später feierte er sein Filmdebüt als Schauspieler mit "Capital vs. Labor" (10).

In den nächsten Jahren avancierte er schnell zu einem begehrten Mimen und er agierte in unzähligen Kurzfilmen der 10er Jahre.
Zu diesen Produktionen gehören "Red Eagle" (11), "The Sacrifice" (11), "The Sky Pilot" (11), "Two Wolves and a Lamb" (11), "Billy the Kid" (11), "Indian Romeo and Juliet" (12), "The Lady of the Lake" (12), "The Miracle" (12), "The Bogus Napoleon" (12), "Adam and Eva" (12), "The Deeslayer" (13), "Vampire of the Desert" (13), "The Lion's Bride" (13), "The Wreck" (13), "Shadows of the Past" (14), "The Man Behind the Door" (14), "The Scar" (15), "The Woman in the Box" (15), "Salvation Joan" (16), "The Courage of Silence" (17), "Her Secret" (17), "The Desired Woman" (18), "The Green God" (18), "Fighting Destiny" (19), "The Gamblers" (19) und "The Darkest Hour" (19).

In den 20er Jahren entstanden nochmals zahlreiche weitere Filme, darunter "The Sea Rider" (20), "The Gauntlet" (20), "Wildness of Youth" (22), "Captain January" (24), "The Roughneck" (24), "The Adventurous Sex" (25), "Camille of the Barbary Coast" (25) und "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" (29), wo er den Bösewicht Professor Moriarty verkörperte.

Mit dem Aufkommen des Tonfilms ging seine Filmlaufbahn zu Ende und man sah den charismatischen Schauspieler nur noch in wenigen Filmen.
Zu diesen Arbeiten gehören "His Honor - Penrod" (32), "The Trans-Atlantic Mystery" (32), "The Shadow Laughs" (33) und "Very Close Veins" (34).

Weitere Filme mit Harry T. Morey:
The Fruits of Vengeance (10) Clacy (10) The Trapper's Daughter (11) Snowbound with a Woman Hater (11) On a Tramp Steamer (11) The Return of Widow Pogson's Husband (11) The Strategy of Ann (11) The Price of Gold (11) Intrepid Davy (11) The Bell of Justice (11) Man to Man (11) The Sheriff's Friend (11) The General's Daughter (11) The Three Brothers (11) The Thumb Print (11) Beyond the Law (11) Forgotten or An Answered Prayer (11) Carr's Regeneration (11) The Missing Will (11) The Indian Flute (11) Auld Lang Syne (11) The Meeting of the Ways (12) Caught in the Rain (12) The Blind Miner (12) A Timely Rescue (12) The Love of John Ruskin (12) A Cure for Pokeritis (12) Irene's Infatuation (12) Mrs. Enry Awkins (12) The Old Silver Watch (12) Mr. Boler's Infatuation (12) Working for Hubby (12) Red Ink Tragedy (12) The Cylinder's Secret (12) The Light That Failed (12) The Nipper's Lullaby (12) The French Spy (12) The Extension Table (12) Her Old Sweetheart (12) A Bunch of Violets (12) Aunty's Romance (12) Rock of Ages (12) The Barrier That Was Burned (12) The Light of St. Bernard (12) A Juvenile Love Affair (12) The Counts (12) She Cried (12) The Red Barrier (12) Nothing to Wear (12) As You Like It (12) In the Furnace Fire (12) None But the Brave Deserve the Fair (12) Just Luck (12) Wild Pat (12) The Absent-Minded Valet (12) Doctor Bridget (12) All for a Girl (12) A Woman (12) Casey at the Bat (13) The Delayed Letter (13) Ma's Apron Strings (13) The Man Higher Up (13) Mr. Ford's Temper (13) Suspicious Henry (13) Tim Grogan's Foundling (13) Red and White Roses (13) His Honor, the Mayor (13) Alixe or The Test of Friendsphip (13) The Golden Hoard or Buried Alive (13) Playing with Fire (13) Hearts of the First Empire (13) Bingles Mends the Clock (13) His Life for His Emperor (13) Tricks of the Trade (13) Wild Beasts at Large (13) The Forgotten Latchkey (13) A Regiment of Two (13) The Drop of Blood (13) Song Bird of the North (13) The Lady and the Glove (13) The Line-Up (13) The Tiger (13) Our Wives (13) The Next Generation (13) The Swan Girl (13) A Lesson in Jealousy (13) The Right and the Wrong of It (14) A Million Bid (14) The Battle of the Weak (14) Doctor Smith's Baby (14) My Official Wife (14) Four Thirteen (14) A Costume Piece (14) How to Do It and Why or Cutey at College (14) The Silent Plea (15) The Chief's Goat (15) The Enemies (15) A Pillar of Flame (15) The Girl Who Might Have Been (15) Crooky (15) The Good in the Worst of Us (15) The Shadow of Fear (15) The Man Who Couldn't Beat God (15) On the Turn of a Card (15) To Cherish and Protect (15) A Price for Folly (15) The Making Over of Geoffrey Manning (15) The Ruse (16) For a Woman's Fair Name (16) The Law Decides (16) The Strange Case of Robert Burnham (16) Whom the Gods Destroy (16) Womanhood, the Glory of the Nation (17) Within the Law (17) The Question (17) The Countess (17) Richard the Brazen (17) Who Goes There? (17) His Own People (17) The Other Man (18) A Bachelor's Children (18) The Golden Goal (18) A Game with Fate (18) Tangled Lives (18) All Man (18) The King of Diamonds (18) The Grouch (18) Hoarded Assets (18) Silent Strength (19) Beating the Odds (19) Beauty-Proof (19) The Man Who Won (19) Shadows of the Past (19) In Honor's Web (19) The Birth of a Soul (20) The Flaming Clue (20) A Man's Home (21) Beyond the Rainbow (22) The Rapids (22) The Curse of Drink (22) Where the Pavement Ends (23) The Empty Cradle (23) Marriage Morals (23) The Green Goddess (23) The Painted Lady (24) Barriers Burned Away (25) The Heart of a Siren (25) Headlines (25) Aloma of the South Seaas (26) Twin Flappers (27) Under the Tonto Rim (28) The Fifty-Fifty Girl (28) 
