
- 1990 |
Eddie Quillan wurde in eine Vaudeville-Familie geboren und wurde schon
in frühester Kindheit in die Vorstellungen mit einbezogen. Zusammen
mit seinen neun Geschwistern tourten sie in den USA.
Mitte der 20er bewarben sich Eddie Quillan und sein Vater bei den Mack
Sennett Studios, Eddie erhielt schliesslich ein Engagement und spielte
kleinere Rollen in dessen Kurzfilmen.
Sein grosser Durchbruch als Schauspieler kam 1924, als er einem Autofahrer
half, den platten Reifen zu wechseln. Dieser Mann arbeitete für Cecil
B. DeMille und offerierte ihm Probeaufnahmen. Er wurde unter Vertrag
genommen und spielte in "Shoud Husbands Marry?" (24).
In den 20er Jahren folgten weitere Rollen in den Filmen "Kitty from
Killarney" (26), "Alice Be Good" (26), "The College Kiddo" (27), "Geraldine"
(29) und "The Sophomore" (29).
In den 30er und 40er Jahren avancierte er zu einem vielbeschäftigen
Nebendarsteller, der ihn vielen namhaften Produktionen spielte. Zu seinen
bekanntesten Filmen gehören "The Big Shot" (31), "Mutiny on the Bounty"
(35), "Big City" (37), "Young Mr. Lincoln" (39), "The Grapes of Wrath"
(40), "Dark Streets of Cairo" (41), "Here Comes Kelly" (43), "The Impostor"
(44), "Dark Mountain" (44), "Jungle Queen" (45) und "Crabbin' in the Cabin"
Auch in den folgenden Jahrzehnten wurde Eddie Quillan immer wieder für
kleinere Rollen herangezogen. Er spielte in "A Fool and His Honey" (52),
"Brigadoon" (54), "The Bounty Killer" (65) und "Hello, Dolly!" (69).
Vor allem in den 60er Jahren spielte er in einer Vielzahl von Fernsehserien
mit wie "Perry Mason", "Daniel Boone", "The Man from U.N.C.L.E.", "The
Addams Family" und "The Wild, Wild West".
Im Kino sah man ihn nur noch selten. Sein letzter Film war "The Strongest
Man in the World" (75), doch für das Fernsehen arbeitete er noch bis
Mitte der 80er Jahre weiter.
Weitere Filme mit Eddie Quillan:
Catalina, Here I Come (27) Red
Hot Bullets (27) Love in a Police Station (27) Ain't Nature Grand (27)
Show Folks (28) Noisy Neighbors (29) The Godless Girl (29) Night Work (30)
Big Money (30) Sweepstakes (31) The Tip-Off (31) Girl Crazy (32) Stout
Hearts and Willing Hands (32) Strictly Personal (33) Broadway to Hollywood
(33) Hollywood Party (34) Gridiron Flash (34) Gentleman from Louisiana
(36) TheMandarin Mystery (36) London by Night (37) Swing, Sister, Swing
(38) Made for Each Other (39) Hawaiian Nights (39) Allegheny Uprising (39)
The Flying Irishman (39) The Family Next Door (39) Margie (40) La Conga
Nights (40) Dancing on a Dime (40) Where Did You Get That Girl? (41) Six
Lessons from Madame La Zonga (41) The Flame of New Orleans (41) Too Many
Blondes (41) Flying Blind (41) Priorities on Parade (42) Kid Glove Killer
(42) Follow the Band (43) Alaska Highway (43) Melody Parade (43) It Ain't
Hay (43) Hi'ya, Sailor (43) Hi, Good Lookin' (44) This Is the Life (44)
Twililght on the Prairie (44) Dixie Jamboree (44) Slightly Terrific (44)
Mystery of the River Boat (44) Moonlight and Cactus (44) Song of the Sarong
(45) Jungle Raiders (45) Sensation Hunters (45) Parlor, Bedroom and Wrath
(48) Let Down Your Aerial (49) Sideshow (50) House About It (50) He Flew
the Shrew (51) Fun on the Run (51) Heebie Gee-Gees (52) Strop, Look and
Listen (52) He Popped His Pistol (53) A-Hunting They Did Go (53) Doggie
in the Bedroom (54) His Pest Friend (55) Nobody's Home (55) He Took a Powder
(55) Come on Seven (56) Serie "Richard Diamond, Private Detective: Bungalow
Murder" (58) Serie "Law of the Plainsman: Passenger to Mescalero" (59)
Serie "The Alaskans: Contest at Gold Bottom" (59) Serie "Death Valley Days:
Gamble with Death" (61) Serie "Perry Mason: The Case of the Cowardly Lion"
(61) Serie "Perry Mason: The Case of the Captain's Coins" (62) Serie "The
Rifleman: Mark's Rifle" (62) Serie "Bonanza: The Decision" (62) Serie "The
Rifleman: Conflict" (62) Seie "McHale's Navy: One of Our Engines Is Missing"
(63) Serie "Petticoat Junction: Spur Line to Shady Rest" (63) Move Over,
Darling (63) Promises! Promises! (63) Papa's Delicate Condition (63) Gunfight
at Comanche Creek (64) Serie "Valentine's Day" (64) Serie "Burke's Law:
Who Killed 1/2 of Glory Lee?" (64) Serie "Petticoat Junction: The Genghis
Keane Story" (64) Serie "The Addams Family: Gomez, the Politician" (64)
Serie "Burke's Law: Who Killed Mother Goose?" (65) Serie "TheAddams Family:
Crisis in the Addams Family" (65) Serie "Vacation Playhouse: Cap'n Ahab"
(65) Serie "The Addams Family: Gomez, the People's Choice" (65) Serie "The
Andy Griffith Show: Taylors in Hollywood" (65) Zebra in the Kitchen (65)
Serie "The Addams Family: Morticia, the Decorator" (66) Serie "Daniel Boone:
The Accused" (66) Serie "Perry Mason: The Case of the Misguided Model"
(66) Serie "Daniel Boone: First in War, First in Peace" (66) Serie "The
Man from U.N.C.L.E.: The Yo-Ho-Ho and A Bottle of Rum Affair" (67) Serie
"Gomer Pyle; U.S.M.C.: Lou-Ann Poovie Sings No More" (67) Serie "Cimarron
Strip: Till the End of the Night" (67) Serie "The Wild, Wild West: The
Night of the Cutthroats" (67) Serie "The Guns of Will Sonnett: And a Killing
Rode in Town" (67) Serie "The Big Valley: Night of the Executioner" (67)
Serie "Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.: Goodbye, Dolly" (68) Serie "Julia" (68) Did
You Hear the One About the Traveling Saleslady? (68) Angel in My Pocket
(69) Serie "The Wild, Wild West: The Night of the Sabatini Death" (69)
Serie "The Virginian: The Girl in the Shadows" (69) Serie "Here's Lucy:
Lucy, Part-Time Wife" (70) Serie "Adam-12: The Tip" (72) How to Frame a
Figg (72) Columbo: Short Fuse (72) The Judge and Jake Wyler (72) She Lives!
(73) Serie "Mannix: To Quote a Dead Man" (73) Serie "Here's Lucy: Lucy
Fights the System" (74) Hitchhike! (74) Melvin Purvis: G-Man (74) Serie
"The Streets of San Francisco: Runaway" (75) Serie "Chico and the Man:
Black Tie Blues" (77) Serie "Little House on the Prairie: To Run And Hide"
(77) Serie "Little House on the Prairie: The High Cost of Being Right"
(77) Mad Bull (77) The Darker Side of Terror (78) Serie "Kaz: The Avenging
Angel" (79) Serie "Little House on the Prairie: The Returf Mr. Edwards"
(79) Seie "The Jeffersons: The Loan" (80) Serie "Little House on the Prairie:
The In-laws" (80) For the Love of It (80) Serie "Here's Boomer: Flatfoots"
(82) Serie "Father Murphy: John Michael Murphy; R.I-P." (82) Serie "Little
House on the Prairie: For the Love of Blanche" (83) Father of Hell Town
(85) Serie "Hell Town" (85) Serie "Highway to Heaven: Basinger's New York"
(86) Serie "The A-Team: The Grey Team" (86) Serie "Matlock: The Author"
(87) |