Ebba Thomsen
1887 - 1973 |
. The actress Ebba Thomsen belonged to the great movie stars of the early Danish film. She began her career at the Det Ny theater in 1910 and two years later she already joined the film business. In her first year in the movies she took part in numerous productions like "Tante Bintes Testamente" (12), "Den sorte kansler" (12), "Lynstraalen" (12) and "Pro forma" (12). She soon became established in this new medium and she often worked together with the Danish movie star Valdemar Psilander. To her well-known movies of the 10s belong "En hofintrige" (13), "Pressens Magt" (13), "Guldmonten" (13), "Broder mod Broder" (13), "Atlantis" (13), "Et Karlighedsoffer" (14), "Den sidste Nat" (15), "Bornevennerne" (16), "Verdens" (16), "Danserindens haevn" (16), "Hotel Paradis" (17), "Lydia" (18), "Lykken" (18) and "Den Aerelose" (19). Her film career diminished in the 20s and finally came to an end. New stars dominated the Danish film business. To her last movies belong "Dommer ikke" (20), "Hendes fortid" (21), "Timeglasset" (22), "Min ven privatdetektiven" (24) and "Det store hjerte" (25). After her film career she continued to appear on stage for several years before she retired from the acting in 1930. She made a one-time comeback in 1952 with a film role in "Husmandstosen" (52). Ebba Thomsen was married with the actor Thorleif Lund.
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