Eduard Tissé
. The cinematographer Eduard Tissé was one of the most important Russian cinematographers who often worked together with the legendary director Sergej M. Eisenstein. When he finished his education at the college of the navy he studied photography and art in Stockholm. Afterwards he worked as a cinematographer, among others for reporting from the front of World War I. It followed engagements for the newsreel for which he filmed many stories. Finally his experiences behind the camera were also used in the film business and he got his first movie engagement for "Signal" (18) directed by Alexander Arkatow. The will is regarded as the first movie of the young Soviet Union. But only from the 20s Eduard Tissé became a regular engaged cinematographer in the film business. To his works of those years belong "Golod...golod...golod" (21), "Medvezhya svadba" (25), "Stachk - Streik" (25) directed by Eisenstein and the classic "Bronenosets Ptoemkin - Panzerkreuzer Potemkin" (25) - also directed by Eisenstein - with the legendary step scene where a baby stroller with a baby in it rolled down uncontrollable. To his last silent movies as a cinematographer belong "Oktyabr - Oktober" (28), "Staroye i novoye" (29) and "The Storming of La Sarraz" (29). Afterwards he left Russia and went to Europa, the USA and Mexico where he realised other productions together with Eisenstein - often documentaries. Eduard Tissé realised his first movie as a director for the Swiss production "Frauennot - Frauenglück" (30). He also was active for this movie as a cinematographer. It followed other movies as a director with "Vstrechana Elbe - Begegnung an der Elbe" (49) and "Bessmertnyy garnizon" (56). But his main activity remained behind the camera during the 30s to and he shot the productions "La destruccio de Oaxaca" (31) reporting of the earthquake in Oaxaca, Mexico, "Thunder Over Mexico" (33), "Death Day" (34), Aerograd" (35) and Eisenstein's "Aleksandr Nevskiy - Alexander Newski" (38). Tou Eduard Tissé's last cinematical works as a cinematographer belong "Ivan Groznyy - Iwan der Schreckliche I" (45) von Eisenstein, "Vozvrashchenie s pebedoy" (48), "Serebristaya pyl" (53) and "Ivan Groznyy. Skaz vtoroy: Boyarsky zagovor - Iwan der Schreckliche II" (58).
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