 Foto: Fred Hartsook (1876-1930)
- 1963 |
The actor Bryant Washburn already conquered the film business at the
beginning of the 10s, when the film industry was still in its infancy.
His career lasted till to the 40s.
He began his acting career at the theater where he made his first acting
experiences. This stood him in good stead for acting in front of the camera
for "The New Manager" (11).
In the next years followed countless movies, often for the Essanay Film
To his well-known movies of the early 10s belong "The Madman" (11),
"Lonesome Robert" (12), The End of the Feud" (12), "The Letter" (12), "The
Shadow of the Cross" (12), "The Broken Heart" (13), "The Price of Gold"
(13), "The Mysterious Stranger" (13), "Autumn Love" (13), "Shadows" (14),
"The Elder Brother" (14), "The Devil's Signature" (14), "The Gallantry
of Jimmy Rodgers" (15), "The Strenght of the Weak" (15), "Graustark" (15),
"The Profligate" (15), "The Greater Courage" (15) and "Despair" (15).
In the second part of the 10s the number of movies diminished a little
but his still took part in a consideralbe number of productions. To these
movies belong "Golden Lies" (16), "The Havoc" (16), "A Million for a Baby"
(16), "The Girl God Made for Jones" (17), "Aladdin Up to Date" (17), "Ghost
of the Rancho" (18), "Venus in the East" (19), "Love Insurance" (19) and
"Too Much Johnson" (19).
He continued his film career successfully in the 20s but his engagements
changed slowly from leading roles to support roles.
His appearances in movies remained numerous till to the end of his
career. In this time he acted together with many new upcoming stars of
those years.
To his most popular movies of the 20s belong "What Happened to Jones"
(20), Burglar Proof" (20), "The Road to London" (21), "The Woman Conquers"
(22), "The Common Law" (23), "The Meanest Man in the World" (23), "Star
Dust Trail" (24), "The Wizard of Oz" (25), "Wet Paint" (26), "The King
of Kings" (27), "Modern Daughters" (27), "A Bit of Heaven" (28) and "The
Unkissed Man" (29).
In the sound film era of the 30s Bryant Washburn took part in movies
like "The Mystery Train" (31), "The Reckoning" (32), "Night of Terror"
(33), "Cleopatra" (34), "Danger Ahead" (35), "The Preview Murder Mystery"
(36), "Conflict" (36), "Jungle Jim" (37), "Ambush" (39) and "Stagecoach"
The 40s marked the end of his film career and he appeared in the productions
"Adventures of Captain Marvel" (41), "The Spider Returns" (41), "Dr. Kildare's
Victory" (42), "Ship Ahoy" (42), "War Dogs" (42), "A Night of Adventure"
(44), "Nevada" (44), "Johnny Angel" (45) and "Sweet Genevieve" (47).
After 36 years in film business and more than 330 movies he retired
in 1947.
Bryant Washburn was married with the actresses Mabel Forrest and Virginia
Vance verheiratet.
Other movies with Bryant Washburn:
The Burglarized Burglar (11) He Fought for the U.S.A.
(11) A Brother's Error (12) The Little Black Box (12) Out of the Depths
(12) In Quarantine (12) The Eye That Never Sleeps (12) Detective Dorothy
(12) White Roses (12) Signal Lights (12) Cupid's Quartette (12) The New
Church Organ (12) The Voice of Conscience (12) Sunshine (12) Miss Simkins'
Summer Boarder (12) The Letter (12) Chains (12) The Shadow of the Cross
(12) The Virtue of Rags (12) Giuseppe's Good Fortune (12) When Soul Meets
Soul (13) Jimmy (13) The Thirteenth Man (13) The Swag of Destiny (13) Billy
McGrath on Broadway (13) A Bottle of Musk (13) An Old, Old Song (13) A
Wolf Among Lambs (13) Let No Man Put Asunder (13) The Forbidden Way (13)
The Power of Conscience (13) The Love Theft (13) Stone the Woman (13) In
Convict Garb (13) The Lost Chord (13) The Conqueror (14) Nearly Married
(14) The Grip of Cirumstance (14) Chains of Bondage (14) The Three Scratch
Clue (14) The Fulfillment (14) In the Moon's Ray (14) The Man for A' That
(14) The Mystery of Room 643 (14) Ashes of Hope (14) Blood Will Tell (14)
The Chasm (14) One Wonderful Night (14) The Seventh Prelude (14) Stopping
the Limited (14) A Gentleman of Leisure (14) The Masked Wrestler (14) Two
Men Who Waited (14) Under Royal Patronage (14) Sparks of Fate (14) A Splendid
Dishonor (14) The Verdict (14) Mother o' Dreams (14) Whatsoever a Woman
Soweth (14) His Dearest Foes (14) Beyond Youth's Paradise (14) Scars of
Possession (14) The Place, the Time and the Man (14) Every Inch a King
(14) The Loose Change of Chance (14) Any Woman's Choice (14) The Way of
the Woman (14) Surgeon Warren's Ward (15) By a Strange Road (15) The Misjudged
Mr. Hartley (15) At the End of a Perfect Day (15) The Creed of the Clan
(15) Third Hand High (15) Thirteen Down (15) The Surprise of My Life (15)
Stars Their Courses Change (15) When the Fates Spin (15) The Wood Nymph
(15) The Little Straw Wife (15) The Great Silence (15) The Fable of the
Demand That Must Be Supplied (15) Countess Veschi's Jewels (15) The Return
of Richard Neal (15) Frauds (15) Home Coming (15) Means and Morals (15)
The Fable of the Highroller and the Buzzing Blondine (15) The Slim Princess
(15) The Gilded Cage (15) The Little Deceiver (15) The Blindness of Virtue
(15) The Sky Hunter (15) The Call of Yesterday (15) The Woman Hater (15)
Rule Sixty-Three (15) Caught (15) The Scapegoat (15) The Family Divided
(15) Tides That Meet (15) Inheritance (15) The Crimson Wing (15) The Edge
of Things (15) The Alster Case (15) The Danger of Being Lonesome (15) Marriage
a la Carte (16) Pieces of the Game (16) Destiny (16) The Despoiler (16)
The Spider's Web (16) Once a Thief--? (16) The Song in the Dark (16) Our
People (16) The Promise Land (16) Worth While (16) The Prince of Graustark
(16) The Final Fraud (16) The Breaker (16) Skinner's Dress Suit (17) A
Four Cent Courtship (17) Skinner's Bubble (17) Filling His Own Shoes (17)
The Man Who Was Afraid (17) The Golden Idiot (17) Skinner's Baby (17) The
Fibbers (17) The Voice of Conscience (17) Twenty-One (18) Kidder and Ko
(18) Till I Come Back to You (18) The Gypsy Trail (18) The Way of a Man
with a Maid (18) The Poor Boob (19) Something to Do (19) Putting It Over
(19) All Wrong (19) A Very Good Young Man (19) Why Smith Left Home (19)
It Pays to Advertise (19) The Six Best Cellars (20) Mrs. Temple's Telegram
(20) The Sins of St. Anthony (20) A Full House (20) An Amateur Devil (20)
June Madness (22) White Shoulders (22) Hungry Hearts (22) Temptation (23)
Rupert of Hentzau (23) Mine to Keep (23) The Love Trap (23) Other Men's
Daughters (23) Try and Get It (24) My Husband's Wives (24) The Parasite
(25) Passionate Youth (25) Wanderin Footsteps (25) Meet the Prince (26)
That Girl Oklahoma (26) Young April (26) Flames (26) Her Sacrifice (26)
The Sky Pirate (26) In the First Degree (27) The Love Thrill (27) Beware
of Widows (27) Black Tears (27) Sitting Bull at the Spirit Lake Massacre
(27) Breakfast at Sunrise (27) Skinner's Big Idea (28) Honeymoon Flats
(28) The Chorus Kid (28) Undressed (28) Nothing to Wear (28) Jazzland (28)
Swing High (30) Kept Husbands (31) Crashing Hollywood (31) Stout Hearts
and Willing Hands (31) The Lure of Hollywood (31) Hollywood Halfbacks (31)
Keep Laughing (32) Arm of the Law (32) State's Attorney (32) Forbidden
Company (32) What Price Hollywood? (32) Drifting (32) Thrill of Youth (32)
Exposure (32) A Parisian Romance (32) The Woman Who Dared (33) What Price
Innocence? (33) The Devil's Mate (33) Public Stenographer (34) Looking
for Trouble (34) The Back Page (34) The Return of Chandu (34) The Curtain
Falls (34) When Strangers Meet (34) Tailspin Tommy (34) The World Accuses
(34) Twenty Dollars a Week (35) Tailspin Tommy in The Great Air Mystery
(35) The Drunkard (35) The Call of the Savage (35) Swellhead (35) The Throwback
(35) The Irish Gringo (35) The Bridge of Sighs (36) Taming the Wild (36)
Sutter's Gold (36) The Millionaire Kid (36) The Amazing Exploits of the
Clutching Hand (36) Three of a Kind (36) And Sudden Death (36) It Couldn't
Have Happened – But It Did (36) Hollywood Boulevard (36) The Black Coin
(36) Gambling with Souls (36) Ellis Island (36) Wanted: Jane Turner (36)
We Who Are About to Die (37) Race Suicide (37) The Outcasts of Poker Flat
(37) The Toast of New York (37) Sea Racketeers (37) Million Dollar Racket
(37) The Westland Case (37) Crashing Hollywood (38) Night Spot (38) This
Marriage Business (38) Law of the Underworld (38) Crime Ring (38) The Wages
of Sin (38) I Demand Payment (38) Café Society (39) I Was a Convict
(39) Sky Patrol (39) Abe Lincoln in Illionois (40) King of the Royal Mounted
(40) Paper Bullets (41) Blossoms in the Dust (41) No Greater Sin (41) Babes
on Broadway (41) Captain Midnight (42) We Were Dancing (42) The Yukon Patrol
(42) Maisie Gets her Man (42) Two for the Money (42) Shadows on the Sage
(42) Sin Town (42) You Can't Beat the Law (43) Carson City Cyclone (43)
The Law Rides Again (43) Wagon Tracks West (43) Thousands Cheer (43) I
Dood It (43) The Girl from Monterrey (43) Death Valley Rangers (43) Cowboy
in the Clouds (43) Mabonga (44) Follow the Leader (44) The Falcon in Mexico
(44) The Master Race (44) Heavenly Days (44) Feather Your Nest (44) The
Falcon in Hollywood (44) Betrayal from the East (45) Two O'Clock Courage
(45) West of the Pecos (45) Do or Diet (47) |