Kimball Young
 Photo: Albert Witzel (1879-1929)
- 1960 |
The actress Clara Kimball Young was born as Clarisa Kimball. Her parents
were both actors at a stock company.
Because of the profession of her parents Clara Kimball Young came in
touch with acting at an early age, she made her stage debut at the age
of three.
Later she attended the St. Francis Xavier Academy in Chicago and joined
another stage troup where she met her later husband James Young.
Finally followed the step the the film business and Clara Kimball Young
as well as her husband were signed by Vitagraph. James Young soon became
established as a busy director.
However Clara Kimball Young became a demanded actress. To her first
movies belong "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (09), "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (10),
"Lady Godiva" (11), "The Pipe" (12), "Lulu's Doctor" (12), "The Money Kings"
(12), "Popular Betty" (12), "The Little Minister" (13), "Beau Brummel"
(13), "The Mystery of the Stolen Jewels" (13), "The Lonely Princess" (13),
"The Pirates" (13), "Extremeties" (13), "The Portrait" (14) and "David
Garrick" (14).
From 1914 came also first feature movies into being besides the than
usual short movies and with the movie "My Official Wife" (14) she became
definitely a top star in Hollywood together with her husband who made a
name for himself as a director.
At the same year she changed to World Film Corporation by Lews J. Selznick.
It followed other cinematical heighlights but at the same time her private
life got into a spin. Selznick courted Kimball Young's favour and finally
her marriage broke. The marriage was divorced in 1919.
Fortunately she was still able to work successfully for the film business
and she took part in "The Deep Purple" (15), "Trilby" (15), "Camilla" (15),
"The Common Law" (16), "The Rise of Susan" (16), "Magda" (17), "The Claw"
(18), "Cheating Cheaters" (19), "Soldiers of Fortune" (19) and "Eyes of
Youth"(19), which became again a box-office hit.
Between these movies a trial took place in which Clara Kimball Young
tried to free herself from Selznick because he not only controlled her
film career but also her private life almost completely.
After longer proceedings she was able to free from Selznick and to
work for other producers too.
Her fame diminished in the 20's, younger actresses were demanded.
To her last silent movies belong "The Forbidden Woman" (20), "Straight
from Paris" (21), "Hush" (21), "The Hands of Nara" (22), "A Wife's Romance"
(23) and "Lying Wives" (25).
It followed a longer interruption without other engagements in front
of the camera. Instead she concentrated to the theater again.
Only with the rise of the talkies she was engaged again for the film
but she was not able to revive her former stardom. Subsequently she performed
small and sometimes very small roles.
To these productions belong "Kept Husbands" (31), "Probation" (32),
"Romance in the Rain" (34), "Fighting Youth" (35), "Ants in the Pantry"
(36) with the 3 Stooges, "Love in September" (36), "The Black Coin" (36),
"Dangerously Yours" (37) and "The Secret of Treasure Island" (38).
After the movies "The Roundup" (41) und "Mr. Celebrity" (41) she retired
from the film business.
Other movies with Clara Kimball Young:
Washington Under the American Flag (09) Richelieu or
The Conspiracy (10) Ransomed or A Prisoner of War (10) The Last of the
Saxons (10) The Sepoy's Wife (10) Cardinal Wolsey (12) The Haunted Rocker
(12) The Jocular Winds of Fate (12) The Old Kent Road (12) Dr. LaFleur's
Theory (12) Professor Optimo (12) The Picture Idol (12) Mockery (12) Half
a Hery (12) When Roses Wither (12) Lincoln's Gettysburg Address (12) The
Troublesome Step-Daughters (12) A Lively Affair (12) Rock of Ages (12)
Wanted, a Sister (12) A Vitagraph Romance (12) The Irony of Fate (12) Mrs.
Lirriper's Lodgers (12) A Mistake in Spelling (12) Lord Browning and Cinerella
(12) Poet and Peasant (12) In the Flat Above (12) The Eavesdropper (12)
Love Hath Wrought a Miracle (13) The Interrupted Honeymoon (13) What a
Change of Clothes Did (13) The Volunteer Strike Breakers (13) When Mary
Grew Up (13) The Old Guard (13) Put Yourself in Their Place (13) The Way
Out (13) Getting Up a Practice (13) The Wrath of Osaka (13) The Mystery
of the Stolen Child (13) Mr. Mintern's Misadventures (13) The White Slave
or The Octoroon (13) Delayed Proposals (13) Jack's Chrysanthemum (13) The
Spirit of the Orient (13) The Taming of Betty (13) A Faithful Servant (13)
John Tobin's Sweetheart (13) Cupid Versus Women's Rights (13) A Maid of
Mandalay (13) The Hindoo Charm (13) When Women Go on the Warpath or Why
Jonesville Went Dry (13) On Their Wedding Eve (13) The Test (13) Jerry's
Mother-in-Law (13) Fellow Voyagers (13) Betty in the Lions Den (13) A Lesson
in Jealousy (13) Beauty Unadorned (13) Love's Sunset (13) Up in a Balloon
(13) The Perplexed Bridegroom (14) Goodness Gracious (14) Sonny Jim in
Search of a Mother (14) Lola (14) Her Husband (14) Some Steamer Scooping
(14) The Silver Snuff Box (14) The Awakening of Barbara Dare (14) The Violin
of M'sieur (14) Happy-Go-Lucky (14) Taken by Storm (14) Fixing Their Dads
(14) The Fates and Flora Fourflush (15) Hearts in Exile (15) Marrying Money
(15) The Heart of the Blue Ridge (15) The Yellow Passport (16) A Race for
Life (16) The Feast of Life (16) The Dark Silence (16) The Foolish Virgin
(16) The Price She Paid (17) The Easiest Way (17) Shirley Kaye (17) The
Marionettes (18) The House of Glass (18) The Reason Why (18) The Savage
Woman (18) The Road Through the Dark (18) The Better Wife (19) For the
Soul of Rafael (20) Mid-Channel (20) What No Man Knows (21) Charge It (21)
The Worldly Madonna (22) Enter Madame (22) The Woman of Bronze (23) Cordelia
the Magnificent (23) Women Go on Forever (31) Mother and Son (31) Love
Bound (32) File 113 (33) I Can't Escape (34) The Return of Chandu (34)
The Drunkard (35) She Married Her Boss (35) His Night Out (35) The Fighting
Coward (35) Oh, Susanna! (36) Dangerous Waters (36) Three on the Trail
(36) The Rogues Tavern (36) They Wanted to Marry (37) New News (37) Hills
of Old Wyoming (37) The Mysterious Pilot (37) The Wages of Sin (38) The
Frontiersmen (38) |