MAIL English Version


Toni Attenberger

1882 - 1949

The director and writer Toni Attenberger began his professional career at a newspaper where he was working as a temporary personnel of the editorial office and as a reporter in different cities.
Finally he was able to follow his adventuresomeness from 1904 and he travelled through different ountries in Europe, Africa and America as a travel reporter.

When he retruned to Germany in 1909 he got in touch with the film business where he learnt his skills from scratch.
He founded his own film company in 1917 and he began to realise numerous movies as a director, producer and writer. Many of those movie titles are not documented unfortunately.

As a director he realised movies like "Der Rubin des Maharadscha" (17), "Der Ring des Todes" (17), "Die Stadt ohne Lachen" (18), "Johannisnacht" (18), "Desperados" (19) and "Das Mädel aus Japan" (19).

His last cinematical works came already at the beginning of the 20s into being. Among them he was responsible as a director for "Der Teufel von Costallizza" (20), "Die Schmiede des Grauens" (20) and "Der Christus von Oberammergau" (21).

Afterwards he concentrated to the realization of documentaries, often settled in the fauna. To these productions belong "Schwindelfreie Heilgymnastik" (34) and "Blaufuchs, der Schrecken des Kilimandscharo" (34).

Afterwards he retired from the film business and Toni Attenberger turned toward writing. To his books, which normally deals with nature too. To his books belong "Der lachende Pudel" (39), "Der endlose Wald" (40) and "Mi-Ur - der Tiger" (48).

His brother was the cinematographer Karl Attenberger.

Other movies from Toni Attenberger (Director):
Der Geier von St. Veit (17) Bertram im gefährlichen Alter (17) Die Vision der Gräfin Caroly (18) Die Liebes GmbH (19) Bergschrecken (19) Das Amulett des Woywoden (19) Doktor Steffens seltsamster Fall (19) Die Frau auf der Schildkröte (19) Die von Gottes Gnaden (19) Vertauschtes Leben (20) Durch alle Höllen (20)

Der Rubin des Maharadscha (17) Die Liebes GmbH (19) Die Schmiede des Grauens (20) Schwindelfreie Heilgymnastik (34) Hilfe, ich erbe (34) Blaufuchs, der Schrecken des Kilimandscharo (34)

Der Rubin des Maharadscha (17) Der Ring des Todes (17) Die Vision der Gräfin Caroly (18) Die Stadt ohne Lachen (18) Johannisnacht (18) Das Amulett des Woywoden (19) Bergschrecken (19) Desperados (19) Doktor Steffens seltsamster Fall (19) Die Frau auf der Schildkröte (19) Siegerin Weib (19) Die von Gottes Gnaden (19) Die Liebes GmbH (19) Die Schmiede des Grauens (20) Durch alle Höllen (20)
