MAIL English Version


Jane Bess

1891 - 1944

The screenwriter Jane Bess was born as Rosette Herta Rosenthal in Posen. She began her film career in 1919 and she became one of the most active female screenwriter of her time. She wrote many scripts for the then popular criminal and adventure movies and she became a big name. She created among others the figur of the detective Mortens who appeared in half a dozen movies as well as the female detective Madge Henway.
To her first screenplays belong "Die Erbschaft von New York" (19), "Seine Kammerzofe" (19) and "In den Krallen des Vampyrs" (19).

The 20s marked the height of her cinematical career and she wrote the screenplays for numerous productions like "Der Mann in der Falle" (20), "Das grüne Plakat" (20), "Nat Pinkerton im Kampf" (21), "Die Hafenlore" (21), "Die Brillantenmieze" (21), "Apachenrache" (21), "Schande" (22), "Die Moral der Gasse" (25), "Zopf und Schwert" (26), "Staatsanwalt Jordan" (26), "Dagfin" (26), "Die Frau mit dem Weltrekord" (27), "Die Sandgräfin" (28), "Lockendes Gift" (29), "Die Frau im Talar" (29) and "Die Abenteurer G.m.b.H." (29) which was the first filming at all based on a novel of Agatha Christie.

Her engagements for the film business came more or less to an abrupt end with the rise of the sound film.
She only worte few more schreenplays for "Einbruch im Bankhaus Reichenbach" (30), "Der Tanzhusar" (31), "Hilfe! Überfall!" (31) and "Hasenklein kann nichts dafür" (32).

With the rise of the National Socialists she emigrated to the Netherlands where her last movie as a screenwriter was realised with "De kribbebijter" (35). She went to Paris in 1937 where she was detained. Finally she was deported to the KZ Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1944 where she was murdered in the same year. 

Privately Jane Bess was very sporty. She played tennis, liked to ride and loved fast cars. 

Other movies from Jane Bess:
Sklaven des Kapitals (19) Die Juwelenmarder von San Francisko (19) Das Mysterium des Hauses Ragmar (20) Eine Frauenschönheit unter dem Seziermesser (20) Das Geheimnis der Mitternachtsstunde (20) Der Plan der Drei (20) Die Sklavenhalter von Kansas-City (20) Der Unerkannte (20) Rafaello  - Das Rätsel von Kopenhagen (20) Der Spitzel (20) Der schwarze Gast (20) Das Geheimnis der Spielhölle von Sebastopol (21) Grossstadtmädels (21) Verbrechen in der Wallstreet (13) (21) Das Achtgroschenmädel (21) Hände hoch (21) Das ind der Strasse (21) Razzia (21) Die kleine Midinette (21) Im Glutrausch der Sinne (22) Gelbstern (22) Morast (22) Schamlose Seelen oder Ein Mädchenhandel (22) Der Heiratsschwindler (22) Das Herz der Lilian Thorland (24) Aufstieg der kleinen Lillian (25) Der goldene Schmetterling (26) Die geschiedene Frau (26) Der lachende Ehemann (26) Die Köngin des Weltbades (26) Ledige Töchter (26) Die Bräutigame der Babette Bomberling (27) Funkzauber (27) La storia di una piccola Pargina (28) Die Geliebte seiner Hoheit (28) Wer das Scheiden hat erfunden (28) Frauenarzt Dr. Schäfer (28) Die Königin seines Herzens (28) Das Spiel mit der Liebe (28) Ein Mädel mit Temperament (28) Die Zirkusprinzessin (29) 
