MAIL English Version

Horst Birr

1912 - 1943/1944

The actor Horst Birr belongs to the forgotten comedians whose destiny was sealed with his aversion to the National Socialists.

He had first successes as a comedian at different theaters and cabarets.
He gained a foothold in the film business in 1934 and took part in many movies in the following years.
To his first movies belong "Spiel mit dem Feuer" (34), "Herz ist Trumpf" (34), "Leichte Kavallerie" (35), "Der Raub der Sabinerinnen" (36), "Wenn wir alle Engel wären" (36), "Boccaccio" (36) and "Der Hund von Baskerville" (36).

His popularity increased at the end of the 30's and he was active till to the beginning of the 40's.
To his last movies belong "Zu neuen Ufern" (37), "Der Mann, der Sherlock Holmes war" (37), "Sieben Ohrfeigen" (37), "Der unmögliche Herr Pitt" (38), "Nanon" (38), "Napoleon ist an allem schuld" (38), "Ein ganzer Kerl" (39), "Die drei Codonas" (40) and "Sechs Tage Heimaturlaub" (41).

There are different information about the death of Horst Birr. Among others his death is dated to 1943 and he should have committed suicide during his stay in Norway when it emerged that he was a Half-Jew (Wikipedia) or that he should be murdered by National Socialists in Norway (Wikipedia again under the keyword "Filmjahr 1943"). Other sources say that he became unpopular by the National Socialists because of his critical cabaret programs and that the rulers let him arrest and that he was executed in 1944 (Gelsenzentrum).

Other movies with Horst Birr:
Eine Siebzehnjährige (34) Pechmarie (34) Herr Kobin geht auf Abenteuer (34) Musik im Blut (34) Alle Tage ist kein Sonntag (35) Liebeslied (35) Die lustigen Weiber (36) Krach und Glück um Kunnemann (36) Männer vor der Ehe (36) Die Nacht mit dem Kaiser (36) Klein aber mein (36) Der Musikant von Dornburg (37) Savoy Hotel 217 (37) Ritt in die Freiheit (37) Pan (37) Heimweh (37) Es leuchten die Sterne (38) Zwischen Strom und Steppe (38) Gastspiel im Paradies (38) Liebelei und Liebe (38) Schwarzfahrt ins Glück (38) Das Gewehr über (39) Frau am Steuer (39) D III 88 (39) Angellika (40) Meine Tochter tut das nicht (40) Der Fuchs von Glenarvon (40) Das leichte Mädchen (40) Kampfgeschwader Lützow (41)
