MAIL English Version


Johannes Brandt

1884 - 1955

The screenwriter Johannes Brandt finished successfully his study for German philology and musicology before he began to work as a theater critic. Finally he became the chief editor of the magazine "Filmkurier".

He already wrote his first screenplay in 1915 for "Die Raches des Voodoos" (15), it followed the movies "Miss Sarah Sampson" (19) and "Die Toten kehren heim - Enoch Arden" (19).

He became established as a screenwriter in the 20s.
To his well-known movies of those years belong "Die Abenteurer von Paris" (20), "Die Jagd nach dem Tode" (20), "Die rote Hexe" (21), "Aschermittwoch" (21), "Felicitas Grolandin" (23), "Ich hatt' einen Kameraden" (26), "Unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit" (27) and "Frauen am Abgrund" (29).

Johannes Brandt also directed few movies from 1920 like "Die sieben Gesichter" (20), "Marionetten des Teufels" (20), "Ebbe und Flut" (21) and "Der Fahnenträger von Sedan" (27).

His last screenplays came at the beginning of the 30s into being.
To these movies belong "Der Andere" (30), "Das Flötenkonzert von Sans-souci" (30), "Gassenhauer" (31), "Unter falscher Flagge" (32), "Die - oder keine" (32) and "Der Choral von Leuthen" (33).

When the National Socialists seized the power Johannes Brandt went to France but in 1939 he was detained there. After the war he did no longer work for the film business and he wrote several radio plays.

Besides his activity in the film business Johannes Brandt also wrote libretti for operettas and lyrics for songs.

Other movies from Johannes Brandt (Writer):
Die drei Tänze der Mary Wilford (20) Das Blut der Ahnen (20) Dämmernde Nächte (20) Das Haus des Dr. Gaudeamus (21) Das schwarze Gesicht (21) Der Ruf des Schicksals (22) Der Frauenkönig (23) Der krasse Fuchs (26) Trude, die Sechzehnährige (26) Hotelratten (27) Was die Kinder ihren Eltern verschweigen (27) Der Fahnenträger von Sedan (27) Die weissen Rosen von Ravensberg (29) Ihr Junge (31) Das Lied der Natoinen (31) Hurra – ein Junge! (31) Gitta entdeckt ihr Herz (32)

Filmsong lyrics:
Gassenhauer (31) Hurra – ein Junge! (32) Der Stolz der 3. Kompanie (32) Gitta entdeckt ihr Herz (32) Die – oder keine (32) Ein Kind, ein Hund, ein Vagabund (34)

Der Kampf um die Ehe, 1. Teil: Wenn in der Ehe die Liebe stirbt (19)
