MAIL English Version

Max Colpet

1905 - 1998

The writer Max Colpet belonged to the most popular lyric poets for songs and screen writers. 

The growing up Max Colpet had to witness how his Jewish family had to flee in 1914 for the first time.
The family went to Königsberg where he lived the next years. 

Max Colpet came in contact with the Berliner arts scene in 1928 and he founded together with the later popular actor Erik Ode the cabaret "Anti". 

His first work for the film business came in 1932 into being and he wrote scripts for movies like "Einmal möchte ich keine Sorgen haben" (32), "Scampolo, ein Kind der Strasse" (32) and "Madame wünscht keine Kinder" (33).

But his creative career in Germany lasted only for awhile. With the takeover of the National Socialist he had to flee the second time in his life and he went to Paris. His parents came into a concentration camp where they died. 

Max Colpet could continue his career in the emigration and he wrote the scripts for "Mauvaise graine" (34), "Accord final" (38), "Place de la Concorde" (39) and "Premier rendez-vous" (41).

But Paris was not far away enough and with the invasion of the Germans he fled to the USA. 
He took over the US citizenship in 1950 but eight years later he returned to Germany and lived in Munich. 
He continued his work as a screen writer and lyricist for song and cabarets successfully. 
To his cinematical post-war works belong "Once a Thief" (50), "Liebe ohne Illusion" (55), "Der Mann, der nicht nein sagen konnte" (58), "…und noch frech dazu!" (60), "Es geschah in Paris" (60),"Oh, diese Geister" (66) and "Millionen für Penny" (67).

The director Billy Wilder worked together with Max Colpet five times and Colpet wrote the scripts for his movies "Un peu d'amour" (32), "Scampolo, ein Kind der Strasse" (32), "Das Blaue vom Himmel" (32), "Madame wünscht keine Kinder" (33) and "Mauvaise graine" (34).

To his most popular lyrics for songs belong "Sag mir, wo die Blumen sind" for Marlene Dietrich and "Hoppla, jetzt komm ich" for Hans Albers.

Other movies from Max Colpet (Writer):
Es geht um alles (32) La crise est finie (34) Salto in die Seligkeit (34) Arènes joyeuses (35) Bubi (37) Sand lendemain (39) Derrière la façade (39) Battement de coeur (40) Danding on a Dime (40) Le grand élan (40) Heartbeat (46) Germania anno zero (48) La voyageuse inattendue (50) Once a Thief (50) Ihr erstes Rendezvous (55) Eine kleine Machtmusik (58) Warten auf Niveau (59) Nie hab ich nie gesagt (62) Carrie (65)

Lyrics for film songs:
Einmal möchte' ich keine Sorgen haben (32) Under Fire (57) Der blaue Nachtfalter (59) 

Film music:
Ein steinreicher Mann (32) Das gibt's doch zweimal (60) 
