MAIL English Version

Ernst Deutsch

Picture Ernst Deutsch
Foto: Alexander Binder (1888-1929)

1890 - 1969

The actor Ernst Deutsch began his theater career in 1914 at the Viennese Volksbühne and his career led him to the most important German-speaking theaters. His parts distinguished through an intensive, sometimes tremendous performance which predestined Ernst Deutsch for gaunt and evil figures. These parts gave him a reputation as an expressionist actor par excellence.

Also in his films he was very successful with his negative leaning characters which got him many roles during the silent movie era. To his most well-known pictures belong "Apokalypse" (18), "Irrungen" (19), "Blondes Gift" (19), "Erpresst" (20), "Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam" (20), "Von Morgens bis Mitternachts (20), "Hannerl und ihre Liebhaber" (21), "Der Kampf ums Ich" (22), "Das alte Gesetz" (23), "Dagfin" (27) and "Artisten" (27).

Although his name couldn't be more "German" he was undesirable in his own country in the 30's because of his Jewish roots. He already left Germany in 1933 and played at theaters in Vienna and Prague as well as in Zurich and Brussels.
During a theater tour in England he acted in the movie "The Marriage of Corbal" (36), in 1938 he went to the USA where he got the American nationality one year later. 

In the following years he usually impersonated Nazis or officers in the USA under his pseudonymous Ernest Dorian, among them "The Man I Married" (40), "So Ends Our Night" (41), "The Prisoner of Japan" (42), "Enemy Agents Meet Ellery Queen" (42), "Nightplane from Chungking" (43) and "Isle of the Dead" (45).
In order to get by financially he also sold apartments along the way.

Ernst Deutsch returned to Vienna after the war, from 1951 he lived in Berlin. He appeared only a few time in the post-war film like in "Der Prozess" (48), "The Third Man - Der dritte Mann" (49), "Nathan der Weise" (55), "Sebastian Kneipp - Ein grosses Leben" (58) and "Vor Sonnenuntergang" (62).

Other movies with Ernst Deutsch:
Die Rache der Toten (16) Die zweite Frau (17) Die Tochter des Henkers (19) Aladdin und die Wunderlampe (19) Das Kloster von Sendomir (19) Die Frau im Käfig (19) Die Geisha und der Samurai (19) Der Galeerensträfling (19) Fluch der Vergangenheit (19) Vom Schicksal erdrosselt (19) Monica Vogelsang (19) Der gelbe Tod (20) Ferreol (20) Fiebernächte (20) Gerechtigkeit (20) Hass (20) Das Frauenhaus von Brescia (20) Die Jagd nach dem Tode (20) Judith Trachtenberg (20) Lady Godiva (20) Brennendes Land (21) Die Dame und der Landstreicher (21) Der alte Gospodar (22) Herzog Ferrantes Ende (22) Sein ist das Gericht (22) Liebe kann man nicht kaufen (22) Die Pagode (23) Das brennende Geheimnis (23) Mutter, dein Kind ruft (23) Soll und Haben (24) Das Frauenhaus von Rio (27) Zwei unterm Himmelszelt (27) Nurse Edith Cavell (39) Reunion in France (42) The Moon Is Down (43) Das Haus des Schweigens (51) Symphonie Wien (52) Wenn abends die Heide träumt (52) Jedermann (58) Ein Mädchen vom Lande (61) In der Strafkolonie (63) Der Fall Bohr (66)
