Heinz Ewers was an early advocate for the artistical acknowledgement of
the film business, which scraped a bare wallflower living at the beginning
of its origin.
He went to the German Bioscop in 1913 which produced particular movies.
When „Der Student von Prag“ was shown in the cinemas it flabbergasted
the audience because of the twice repeated appearance of the actor Paul
Wegener in the same picture sequence - the first double role in a movie
became fact.
Ewers book "Alraune“ got him fame and the nickname "the new Edgar Allen
Poe". He speciazlised in fantastic and creepy stories. Alraune was filmed
for the first time in 1919. A commentary of that time read as followed:
"To the most peculiar characteristics of the German movie belongs
its cautiousness concering the sexual. Only an author like Hanns Heinz
Ewers, a unique sexual Poltergeist, was able to seduce the movie to giving
up its innocence“.
The book "Alraune" was filmed again in 1927, 1930 and 1952.
In the 30s Ewers sympathized with the Nazis by writing the books "Reiter
in deutscher Nacht" and "Horst Wessel". But he couldn't avoid yet that
his books became forbidden in 1934.
Scripts like „Der Verführte“ (13), „Ein Sommernachtstraum in unserer
Zeit“ (13), „Die ideale Gattin“ (13), „Evinrude“ (13) and „Die Geheimnisse
von Berlin“ (21) belong to his work as a writer.
Weitere Filme von Hanns Heinz Ewers:
Die ideale Gattin (13) Evinrude
(13) Der Verführte (13) ...denn alle Schuld rächt sich (13) Ein
Sommernachtstraum in unserer Zeit (13) Die Eisbraut (13) Die Augen des
Ole Brandis (13) Die Launen einer Weltdame/Königin der Laune (14)
Die Geheimnisse von Berlin (21) Der Student von Prag (26) Hans Westmar
(33) |