MAIL English Version

Bruno Fritz

1900 - 1984

The actor Bruno Fritz came late to the film and his appearances in front of the camera kept rare till the end of World War II
To his first movies belong "Der müde Theodor" (36), "Der Florentiner Hut" (39) and "Frau Luna" (41).

Bruno Fritz experienced the height of his cinematical career in the 50's where he took part in many well-known productions. To these movies belong "Die Frau von gestern Nacht" (50), "Pension Schöller" (52), "Keine Angst vor grossen Tieren" (53), "Der Hauptmann und sein Held" (55) and "Der Eiserne Gustav" (58).

His film engagements took off again in the 60's. To his last cinematical works belong "Der Traum von Lieschen Müller" (61), "Cafe Oriental" (62), "Escape from East Berlin" (62) and "Der Raub der Sabinerinnen" (73).

Other movies with Bruno Fritz: 
Hurra, ich bin Papa! (39) Maharadscha wider Willen (50) Mädchen mit Beziehungen (50) Engel im Abendkleid (51) Schön muss man sein (51) Stips (51) Mikosch rückt ein (52) Der keusche Josef (53) So ein Affentheater (53) Ich war ein hässliches Mädchen (55) Hoch droben auf dem Berg (57) Die grosse Chance (57) Solang' noch untern Linden (58) Das verbotene Paradies (58) Mylord weiss sich zu helfen (58) Madeleine Tel. 13 62 11 (58) Brave Diebe (59) So angelt man keinen Mann (59) Serie "Unser Pauker" (65) Rheinsberg (67) Die lieben Kinder (70)
