MAIL English Version


Frederik Fuglsang

1887 - 1953


The cinematographer Frederik Fuglsang first made an education as a photographer, afterwards he gained a foothold in the young Danish film business and he joined the leading film company Nordisk.
Via activities as an assistant he became the director of photography and he was involved in many Danish productions in the next years.
To these works belong "Den tapre Svigermor" (15), "En siem dreng" (15), "En skilsmisse" (15), "Trolden i Aesken" (16) and "En nydelig onkel" (16).

In 1916 he shot his first movie in Germany called "Der rote Streifen" (16) and in the nexts years he already worked for German movies by the majority besides few other Danish movies.
To his well-known works of the following years belong "Hans Trutz im Schlaraffenland" (17), "Lulu" (17), "Apokalypse" (18), "Himmelskibet" (18), "Der Rattenfänger von Hameln" (18) and "Der Galeerensträfling" (19). During this time he often worked together with Paul Wegener.

In the meantime he settled in Germany and he was responsible as a cinematographer for many other silent movies. To these productions belong "Mascotte" (20), "Lucrezia Borgia" (22), "Der Evangelimann" (24), "Das Geheimnis der alten Mamsell" (25), "Die Mühle von Sanssouci" (26), "Die Weber" (27), "Thérèse Raquin/Du sollst nicht ehebrechen" (28), "Der rote Kreis" (29) and "Der Hund von Baskerville" (29).

Frederik Fuglsang was not able to continue his impressive career as a cinematographer in the 30s. He only took part in few more feature movies and from the middle of the 30s he shot some short movies.
To his last cinematical works belong "Moral um Mitternacht" (30), "Der Schicksal der Renate Langen" (31), "Grock" (31), "Gloria" (31) and "Drops wird Flieger" (38).

Till the end of war he shot other short movies and after the war he was engagend by the production company DEFA for the technical area.

Other movies from Frederik Fuglsang: 
Et Haremsaeventyr (15) Den lille Chauffor (15) To Mand frem for en Enke (15) Carl Alstrups Kaerlighed paa Aktier (15) En Vandgang (15) Kaerlighed pr. Flytteomnibus (15) En Kone soges (15) Alle Kneb gaelder (15) Honseministerens Besog (16) Arvetanten (16) Sommer-Kaerlghed (16) En dejlig Dag (16) Studentens glade Liv (16) Vidunderhunden (16) Det Berftillonske System (16) I tjenstlig Ojemed (16) En uheldig skygge (16) Askepot (17) Den ny Kokkepige (17) Der fremde Fürst (18) Kaerlighet og Kontanter (19) Der Mann der Tat (19) Indische Rache (20) Brigantenliebe (20) Der Mann ohne Namen (21) Seine Exzellenz von Madagaskar (22) Vanina oder Die Galgenhochzeit (22) Macht der Versuchung (22) Nora (23) Seine Frau, die Unbekannte (23) Ein Traum vom Glück (24) Der geheime Agent (24) Liebesbriefe der Baronin von S... (24) Frauen, die ma oft nicht grüsst (25) Briefe, die ihn nicht erreichten (25) Der Bankkrach unter den Linden (26) Die Försterchristel (26) An der schönen blauen Donau (26) Der Veilchenfresser (26) Die lachende Grille (26) Der Zigeunerbaron (27) Das tanzende Wien (27) Raza de hidalgos (27) Der Ladenprinz (28) Die Heilige und ihr Narr (28) Ritter der Nacht (28) Der Herzensphotograph (28) Mein Herz ist eine Jazzband (29) Vererbte Triebe (29) Peter der Matrose (29) Meine Schwester und ich (29) Hallo! Afrika forude! (29) Mein Herz gehört Dir... (30) Es kommt alle Tage vor... (30) Die Jugendgeliebte (30) Leutnant warst Du einst bei deinen Husaren (30) Elisabeth von Österreich (31) Schützenfest in Schilda (31) Nachtkolonne (32) Alala (34) Eine Seefahrt, die ist lustig (35) Sinfonia vasca (36) Unter dem Pantoffel (36) Die Mühle von Werbellin (37) Ikaruskinder (38) Es surren die Spindeln (38) La sposa dei re (38)
