MAIL English Version


Willibald Gaebel

1879 - 1945

The cinematographer Willibald Gaebel began his professional life as a photographer before he joined the company of Oskar Messter in 1908 where he got in touch with the film business. Among others he was working for the first movies of the later famous movie star Henny Porten.
To his first movies as a cinematographer belong "Mütter, verzaget nicht" (11), "Der Müller und sein Kind" (11) und "Im Glück vergessen" (11).

It followed a longer interruption in the film business which was extended by the rise of World War I. During the war he was active in his former occupation as a photographer for the air force.
After the war he returned to the film business and he was a cinematographer for numerous other silent movies in the next years.
To these productions belong "Die lebende Tote" (19), "Irrungen" (19), "Rose Bernd" (19), "Monika Vogelsang" (20), "Die Tarantel" (20), "Die Dame in Schwarz" (20), "Die Perle des Orients" (21), "Der böse Geist" (22), "Colibri" (24), "Mutter und Kind" (24), "Niniche" (25), "Fedora" (26) and "Gewitter über Gottland" (27).

After that, he couldn't make it in the film business and he earned his living again as a photographer after a stroke.

Other movies from Willibald Gaebel: 
Das Glöckchen des Glücks (11) Ein Leben (11) Die Diamanten des Zaren (19) Ihr Sport (19) Die Schuld (19) Die beiden Gatten der Frau Ruth (19) Die Fahrt ins Blaue (19) Die drei Tänze der Mary Wilford (20) Die goldene Krone (20) Putschliesel (20) Der Stier von Olivera (21) Hannerl und ihre Liebhaber (21) Ein Erpressertrick (21) Der Schicksalstag (21) Kinder der Zeit (22) Zum Paradies der Damen (22) Vanina oder Die Galgenhochzeit (22) Es leuchtet meine Liebe (22) Der Wetterwart (23) Der Liebe Pilgerfahrt (23) Das Geheimnis von Brinkenhof (23) Kaddisch (24) Der Sturz ins Glück (24) Der Maler und sein Modell (25) Im Krug zum grünen Kranze (25) Der Herr Generaldirektor (25) Das Herz am Rhein (25) Falsche Scham (26) Wenn das Herz er Jugend spricht (26) Der Herr des Todes (26)
