MAIL English Version
Johannes Guter

1882 - 1962

The director Johannes Guter was born as Janis Guters in Riga. He first made an education at the Institute of Technology in Riga before he began his career as an actor. He made his stage debut in 1904.
Because of the political troubles and the failure of the Russian revolution he escaped to Berlin in 1905.

Two years later he dared to return to his home country but was accused of killing a policeman and was arrested. Thanks to a deposited bail he was able to escape again in 1908 together with his than partner the actress Marija Leiko and he came to Vienna via several stations.
There he was able to continue his artistic ambition and he played at the theater again from 1910. In the next years followed engagements in Austria and Germany.

When he was in Berlin he managed to enter the film business and in 1917 he realised his first movie as a director called "Die Diamantenstiftung" (17).
To his other early works as a director belong "Der Teufelswalzer" (18), "Die Geisterjagd" (18), "Der gelbe Schatten" (19) and "Kameraden" (19). Many films came into being with the successful film figur Stuart Webbs which was impersonated by Ernst Reicher.

He became established as a movie director in the 20s definitely. In the next years he realised movies like "Das Haupt des Juarez" (20), "Die schwarze Pantherin" (21), "Der Ruf des Schicksals" (22), "Blitzzug der Liebe" (25), "Der Turm des Schweigens" (25), "Zwei unterm Himmelszelt" (27) and "Ihr dunkler Punkt" (29).

From the end of the 20s Johannes Guter concentrated to short movies and documentaries and he realised reports for the newsreels. For the feature movie he was only rarely active.
To his works of the 30s belong "Der falsche Ehemann" (31), "Die Vier vom Bob 13" (32), "Die Stadt der sieben Türme" (36), "Kampf um Raum und Zeit" (37) and "Zwölf Minuten nach zwölf" (39).

Beside these works he also directed several short movies with the figures Tran and Helle, impersonated by Ludwig Schmitz and Jupp Hussels. These short movies were integral parts fo the newsreels.

His last cinematical work was "Ein fröhliches Haus" (44).

Johannes Guter was married with the actress Mirdza Schmitchene and the singer Heidy Wilms.

Other movies from Johannes Guter (Director):
Der Stier von Saldanha (18) Der Eisenahnmarder (18) Wie Rolf, das Pflänzchen, verhilft der Schwester zum Myrthenkränzchen (18) Ein rätselhafter Blick (18) Das Glück der Irren (19) Die Frau im Käfig (19) Die Augen im Walde (19) Ewiger Strom (20) Die Frau im Himmel (20) Die Tophar-Mumie (20) Die Dreizehn aus Stahl (21) Zirkus des Lebens (21) Der Mord in der Greenstreet (21) Weib und Palette (21) Bardame (22) Lebenshunger (22) Die Prinzessin Suwarin (23) Der Sprung ins Leben (24) Herrn Filip Collins Abenteuer (26) Die Boxerbraut (26) Die Köngin des Varietés (27) Ein rheinisches Mädchen beim rheinischen Wein (27) Grand Hotel...! (27) Am Ruedesheimer Schloss steht eine Linde (28) Der Tanzstudent (28) Die blaue Maus (28) Café Kalau (29) Das närrische Glück (29) Alte Kleider (29) Wenn du einmal dein Herz verschenkst (29) Meister des weissen Sports bei bedeutenden Spielen (29) In Jena sind alle Mädels so blond (29) Eveline und ihr Rin-Tin-Tin (29) 2. Ungarische Rhapsodie (29) Donner, Blitz und Regen (30) Die singenden Babies (30) Um eine Nasenlänge (31) Goldgräber in Rumänien (31) Vask, videnskab og velvaere (32) Wäsche – Waschen – Wohlergehen (32) L'amour en vitesse (32) Schuberts Lieder (32) Rundfunk einst und jetzt (32) Le triangle de feu (32) Geigenzauber (32) Fräulein Liselott (34) Kannst Du pfeifen, Johanna? (34) Kampf um Kraft (35) Die Stadt der sieben Türme (36) Don-Kosaken Chor (36) Die Heimat im Lied (36) Aus der Schatzkammermusik (36) Am Lagerfeuer (36) Bojarenhochzeit (37) Rheinland (39) In Sachen Herder contra Brandt (39)

Die Frau im Käfig (19) Die Frau im Himmel (20) Die Dreizehn aus Stahl (21) Die schwarze Pantherin (21) Weib und Palette (21) Bardame (22) Bojarenhochzeit (37) Ein fröhliches Haus (44)

Die Frau im Käfig (19) Vask, videnskab og velvaere (32)
