MAIL English Version

Walther von Hollander

Picture Walther von Hollander

1892 - 1973

The author and screenwriter Walther von Hollander got first attention in the 20's where he wrote several articels for the Ullstein Verlag.

In the 30's he wrote his first scripts for the big screen and his name became familiar for a huge public.
To his well-known scripts belong "Der Favorit der Kaiserin" (36), "Gauner im Frack" (37), "Anna Favetti" (38), "Komödianten" (41) and "Der Majoratsherr" (44).
Besides these works he also wrote books to the topic marriage and Walther von Hollander became an accepted specials for human relations.

Although he wasn't a member of the NSDAP he was able to continue his writing activity. He later remarked that Goebbbels only tolerated him because he needed the cultivated entertainment novel.

Walther von Hollander wrote other scripts after the war, among them "Die Stärker" (53), "Glücksritter" (57) and "Liebe kann wie Gift sein" (58), but his main activity was his function as a life consultant.

Other movies from Walther von Hollander:
Das Lied der Wüste (39) Die Geliebte (39) Fräulein (39) Mädchen im Vorzimmer (40) Du gehörst zu mir (43) Das gestohlene Jahr (50)
