MAIL English Version

La Jana

Foto: Arthur Benda (D'Ora) (1885-1969)
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Copyright

1905 - 1940

The actress La Jana was born as Henriette Margarethe Hiebel in Vienna.
She began her career at a child ballet for the Frankfurter Opera, later she had entrances in cabarets and revues where she continued appearing successfully as a dancer.

Also the film business seized her dancing beauty, she made her film debut in 1925 with "Wege zu Kraft und Schönheit".
Friedrich Zelnik engaged her for his production company and employed her in some movies within shortest time where she played support roles.
To her silent movies belong "Die weisse Geisha" (26), "Der Biberpelz" (28), "Thérèse Raquin/Du sollst nicht ehebrechen" (28), "Gaunerliebchen" (28), "Ritter der Nacht" (28) and "Die Warschauer Zitadelle" (29).

But only the sound film brought her the great breakthrough. Her dancing extras were underlined in an optimal way with the audible music and she had great successes with her appearances in "Der Schlemihl" (31), "Truxa" (36) and especially in the two-parter "Der Tiger von Eschnapur" (37) and "Das indische Grabmal" (37) where she convinced as a exotic Maharani which turned the men's    heads.

Her last movies were "Es leuchten die Sterne" (38), "Menschen vom Varieté" (39) and "Stern von Rio" (40).
During a Christmas tour she caught a pneumonia and pleurisy which led to her death at the age of 35. 

Other movies with La Jana:
En perfekt gentleman - Um seine Ehre (27) Der Ladenprinz (28) Der Herzensphotograph (28) Zwei rote Rosen (28) Meineid. Ein Paragraph, der Menschen tötet (29) Der lustige Witwer (29) Spanisches Intermezzo (29) Ich bin Du (34)
