MAIL English Version

Will Meisel

1897 - 1967

The filmcomposer Will Meisel got already in contact with the entertainment industry as a child because his father Emil Meisel was ballet master by profession.

He studied music and dance from the age of 5 and five years later he was already a member of the royal opera of Berlin as a dancer.
During World War I he served as a soldier and was wounded.

After the war he continued his former career and worked again as a dancer at the Staatsoper of Berlin till 1923.

With the foundation of  "Edition Meisel & Co. GmbH" in 1926 he became a music publisher, among others he published "Ilona" with lyrics of his first wife.

Will Meisel devoted more to the composition with the rise of the talkies. To his first filmcompositions belong "Königin einer Nacht" (30) after his operatta of the same name, "Im Kampf mit der Unterwelt (30), "Der Andere" (30), "Liebe im Ring" (30), "Ein ausgekochter Junge" (31), "Schachmatt" (31) and "Der Storch streikt" (31). 

In the next years he wrote many other film scores, to his most popular productions belong "Schleppzug M 17" (33), "Ein Walzer für Dich" (34), "Jede Frau hat ein Geheimnis" (34), "Alle Tage ist kein Sonntag" (35), "Krach im Hinterhaus" (35), "Der müde Theodor" (36) and "Kleines Bezirksgericht" (38). 

With the outbreak of World War II his activities for movies diminished drastically, he only contributed his music to the movies "Weltrekord im Seitensprung" (40), "Polterabend" (40) and "Ehe man Ehemann wird" (41). 

This continued after the war too. Only few filmcompositions were written by him, among others "Königin einer Nacht" (51), "Tausend rote Rosen blühn" (52) and "Die Wirtin an der Lahn" (55). 

Will Meisel also wrote eight operettas as well as countless evergreens and songs besides his filmmusic.

He was awarded with the Bundesverdienstkreuz in 1962 for his lifework, two years later he got the Paul-Lincke-Ring.

Other movies from Will Meisel:
Eine Freundin so goldig wie Du (30) Um eine Nasenlänge (31) Tänzerinnen für Süd-Amerika gesucht (31) Wiener Wald (31) Der Bergführer von Zakopane (31) Zu Befehl, Herr Unteroffizier (31) Der Durchschnittsmann (31) Der unbekannte Gast (31) Die Vier vom Bob 13 (32) Das Tankmädel (33) Es war einmal ein Musikus (33) Zigeunerblut (34) Der Springer von Pontresina (34) La Paloma (34) Ich sing' mich in Dein Herz hinein (34) Die grosse Chance (34) Anita v. raji (34) Annette im Paradies (34) Was bin ich ohne Dich (34) Der Schlafwagenkontrolleur (35) Engel mit kleinen Fehlern (36) Hummel – Hummel (36) Der verkannte Lebemann (36) Familienparade (36) Fräulein Veronika (36) Karusell (37) Ehe in Dosen (39) Auf der grünen Wiese (53) Königin einer Nacht (60)
