MAIL English Version

Lotte Müller

1901 - 1972

The child actress Lotte Müller was born as Charlotte Auguste Agnes Müller. Her father was the actor and opera singer Franz Müller (1862-1905). She became a much demanded actress from 1910 and she often appeared together with her sister, the child actress Hilde Müller, in movies.

To her first movies belong "Ein Unglück in der Kinderstube" (10), "Lenchens Geburtstag" (10), "Friedel, der Geiger" (11), "Ein Leben" (11), "Ein Blick in den Abgrund" (12) and "Des Pfarrers Töchterlein" (13).

She impersonated the title role in "Kasperl-Lotte" and she even played the leading role in "Die kleine Heldin" (15).

Other early silent movies were "Die Stimme des Toten" (16), "Die Enterbten" (16), "Der Weltmeister" (19) and "Da haste aber Glück gehabt" (20).

After a longer interruption she appeared in front of the camera as a young woman for the last time for "Aus des Rheinlands Schicksalstagen" (26). Afterwards she retired from the film business and emigarted to the USA.

Incorrectly, the actor Rolf Müller is listed as a brother, but is not related to Lotte and Hilde Müller. The two had a significantly older sister named Margarete Emma Antoine Olga Müller (1886-1908). She gave birth to a son named Rolf Müller in 1908; Margarete died at birth. This Rolf Müller is therefore the nephew of Lotte and Hilde Müller and was not active in the film.

Other movies with Lotte Müller: 
Was der kleine Hans tat (10) Tragödie eines Streiks/Ein Streik und seine Folgen (11) Briefkasten an den lieben Gott (11) Maskierte Liebe (12) Um Haaresbreite (12) Ein Lebenslied (12) Hänschens Spielzeug (12) Zurückerobert (13) Ihr guter Ruf (13) Ihr Unteroffizier (14) Die Beichte einer Verurteilten (15) Ein echt deutscher Sieg (15) Aus dem Buche des Lebens (16) Ein Lebenslied (17) Ich hätte nie gedacht, was man träumt in einer Nacht (20)
