MAIL English Version


Justus Paris

1885 - 1942

The actor Justus Paris began his career at the theater in 1904 where he first appeared in Zeitz. In the next followed engagements in Torgau, Bochum and Halberstadt.

With the outbreak of World War I his career came to an end temporarily and he served as a soldier in the army.

After the war he continued his stage career, among others in Magdeburg, Düsseldorf, Berlin and Munich.

He impersonated his first role in front of the camera in 1935 for "Der Kampf mit dem Drachen" (35). In the next years he played other support roles in the productions "Der ahnungslose Engel" (36), "Die Drei um Christine" (36), "Ein Mann auf Abwegen" (40), "Das Mädchen aus Fanö" (41), "Carl Peters" (41), "Venus vor Gericht" (41) and "Geheimakte W.B. 1" (42).

Other movies with Justus Paris:
Du kannst nicht treu sein (36) Der lachende Dritte (36) Die Erbschaft (36) So weit geht die Liebe nicht (37) Rheinische Brautfahrt (39) Germanen gegen Pharaonen (39) 15 Minuten nach Mitternacht (39) Feinde (40) Alarmstufe V (41) 
