MAIL English Version

Hans Schott-Schöbinger

1901 - 1984

The actor and director Hans Schott-Schöbinger finished an acting education before he entered the stage at the Stadttheater in St. Pölten where he appeared for the first time in 1920.
It followed numerous engagement at different theaters in Vienna, among them at the Kammerspiele, at the Theater in der Josefstadt and at the Burgtheater.
In Vienna he also realised some plays as a director.

Finally the film business became aware of him and Hans Schott-Schöbinger impersonated his first role in "Manja Valewska" (36).
In the next years followed other movies like "Adresse unbekannt" (38), "Wiener G'schichten" (40), "...und die Musik spielt dazu" (43) and "Der weisse Traum" (43).

He did not continue his acting career in front of the camera after the war but realised several movies as a director.
To these works belong "Hexen" (49), "Erzherzog Johannes grosse Liebe" (50), "Zwei Herzen und ein Thron" (55), "Nackt wie Gott sie schuf" (58), "Trompeten der Liebe" (62) and "Die nackte Bovary" (69).

Beside it he was the head of the Defir film renting agency and the manager of the AFA film production.

Other movies with Hans Schott-Schöbinger (Actor):
Eins zu Eins (39) Blonde Frau übern kurzen Weg (40) Abenteuer im Grandhotel (43) Ein Blick zurück (44)

Der rote Prinz (54) Holiday am Wörthersee (56) Der Bauerndoktor von Bayrischzell (57) ...und keiner schämte sich (60) Die drei Scheinheiligen (64) Andrea – Wie ein Blatt auf nackter Haut (68) Von Haut zu Haut (69)

Hexen (49) Das Mädchen vom Pfarrhof (55) Trompeten der Liebe (62) Die drei Scheinheiligen (64) Andrea – Wie ein Blatt auf nackter Haut (68)

...und keiner schämte sich (60)
