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Olga Tschechowa

Picture Olga Tschechowa
Foto: Alexander Binder (1888-1929)

1897 - 1980

The actress Olga Tschechowa was born as Olga von Knipper in Aleksandropol. She grew up in a wealthy family which had very good contacts to the czar court. Her mother was artistic talented and her aunt was the famous actress Olga Knipper-Cechova, who was married with the writer Anton Cechov. Because of this family connection she was in contact with famour artists like Tolstoj, Glazunov and Saljapin.

Olga Tschechowa studied sculpture at the St. Peterburg Academy of Arts, after that she attended an acting school and played her first roles at the Moscow artist theater.

She got married with Michail Cechov in 1914, a nephew of her oncle. The marriage was divorces three years later, their mutual daughter Ada (1917-1966) became also a well-known actess who was killed in an air crash.

Olga Tschechowa earned her living with wood-carving during the confusion of the war and the revolution. In the same time she got her first small parts in the Russian movies "Anja Kraeva" (18), "Kaliostro" (18) and "Das letzte Abenteuer des Arsène Lupin" (18).

She made a journey to Berlin in 1920 and decided short-range to stay there and to find her luck as an actress. 
At the beginning she played not very successful in the German silent movies "Schloss Vogelöd" (21), "Der Todesreigen" (22) and "Nora" (23). 
Only with "Tatjana" (23) pricked up one's ears for the first time and with her performance in "Die Stadt der Versuchung" (25) she managed the long hope for the breakthrough. With this part she became established as seductress and Grand Dame.

In the following years she acted in movies like "Die Gesunkenen" (25), "Die Mühle von Sanssouci" (26), "Familie Schimeck" (26), "Der Florentiner Hut" (27), "Moulin Rouge" (28), directed by René Clair and "Diana" (29).
Also in 1929 she directed a movie for the first time and realized "Der Narr seiner Liebe", in which her ex-husband Michael Cechov played the leading role. In spite of positive critics this was her only direction.

Olga Tschechowa became a German citizen in 1930 and continued her career successfully in the sound film era. To her well-known movies of the 30's belong "Liebe im Ring" (30), "Die Drei von der Tankstelle" (30), "Liebling der Götter" (30), "Mary/Sir John greift ein" (30), "Trenck" (32), "Liebelei" (33), "Ein gewisser Herr Gran" (33), "Maskerade" (34), "Peer Gynt" (34), "Der Favorit der Kaiserin" (36), "Burgtheater" (36), "Zwei Frauen" (38) and "Bel Ami" (39).

In the 40's followed well-known productions like "Menschen im Sturm" (41), "Andreas Schlüter" (42) and "Der ewige Klang" (43), after that her career draw to a close.

In the post-war years followed small parts in "Kein Engel ist so rein" (50), "Aufruhr im Paradies" (50), "Alles für Papa" (53), "Rosen-Resli" (54), "Rittmeister Wronski" (54), "Die Barrings" (55) and "U 47 - Kapitänleutnant Prien" (58). At the end of the 50's she retired from the film business.

In the 70's she had a short comeback with the movies "Gestrickte Spuren" (70), "Duell zu Dritt" (71), "Die Zwillinge vom Immenhof" (73) and "Frühling auf Immenhof" (74).

After World War II there went around different rumours about Olga Tschechowa. One said she was a spy for the KGB and even got the Lenin medal (in this case there was a case of mistaken identity with her aunt of the same name in Russia), an other one maintained that she was a double agent for Poland as well as Hitler and moreover that she was Hitler's mistress.
Olga Tschechowa never denied her good contacts to the leading Nazis but she denies activities as an agent.

Other movies with Olga Tschechowa:
Hochstapler (21) Violet (21) Die Pagode (23) Der verlorene Schuh (23) Die Fahrt ins Glück (23) Soll und Haben (24) Die Bacchantin (24) Die Venus vom Montmartre (25) Die Millionenkompagnie (25) Das alte Ballhaus (25) Liebesgeschichten/Mädels von heute (25) Soll man heiraten? (25) Der Mann aus dem Jenseits/Feldgrau (25) Trude, die Sechzehnjährige (26) Der Feldherrnhügel (26) Der Mann im Feuer (26) Sein grosser Fall (26) Brennende Grenze (26) Das Meer (27) Die selige Exzellenz (27) Der Meister der Welt (27) Marter der Liebe (28) Weib in Flammen (28) After the Verdict - Die Siegerin (28) Die Liebe der Brüder Rott (29) Der Narr seiner Liebe (29) Blutschande § 173 St.G.B. (29) Stud. chem. Helene Willfüer (29) Troika (30) Der Detektiv des Kaisers (30) Die grosse Sehnsucht (30) Zwei Krawatten (30) Ein Mädel von der Reeperbahn (30) Liebe auf Befehl (30) Panik in Chicago (31 Die Nacht der Entscheidung (31) Das Konzert (31) Nachtkolonne (31) Die Galavorstellung der Fratellinis/Spione im Savoy-Hotel (32) Der Choral von Leuthen (33) Wege zur guten Ehe (33) Heideschulmeister Uwe Karsten (33) Der Polizeibericht meldet (33) Zwischen zwei Herzen (34) Die Welt ohne Maske (34)  Was bin ich ohne dich! (34) Abenteuer eines jungen Herrn in Polen (34) Regine (34) Asew - Lockspitzel Asew (35) Liebesträume (35) Künstlerliebe (35) Die ewige Maske (35) Sylvia und ihr Chauffur - Ein Walzer um den Stephansturm (35) Manja Valewska (36) Hannerl und ihre Liebhaber (36) Seine Tochter ist der Peter (36) Liebe geht seltsame Wege (37) Unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit (37) Die gelbe Flagge (37) Gewitterflug zu Claudia (37) Das Mädchen mit dem guten Ruf (38) Rote Orchideen (38) Verliebtes Abenteuer (38) Ich verweigere die Aussage (39) Parkstrasse 13 (39) Die unheimlichen Wünsche (39) Befreite Hände (39) Angelika (40) Leidenschaft (40) Der Fuchs von Glenarvon (40) Mit den Augen einer Frau (42) Reise in die Vergangenheit (43) Gefährlicher Frühling (43) Melusine (44) Mit meinen Augen/Im Tempel der Venus (44) Eine Nacht im Séparée (49) Maharadscha wider Willen (50) Zwei in einem Anzug (50) Der Mann, der zweimal leben wollte (50) Eine Frau mit Herz (51) Begierde/Die Perlenkette (51) Talent zum Glück/Das Geheimnis einer Ehe (51) Mein Freund, der Dieb (51) Hinter Klostermauern (52) Heute Nacht passiert's (53) Ich war ein hässliches Mädchen (55)
