MAIL English Version

Lotte Werkmeister

Foto: Wilhelm Willinger (1879-1943)

1885 - 1970

The actress Lotte Werkmeister - also called Lotteken - was born as Frieda Anna Werkmeister in Berlin. As a choir learner in Magdeburg she got in touch with the stage for the first time. It followed engagements at the Brandenburger theater and at the operetta theater in Cologne where je began a vocal training.
Later she appeared as a singer and interpreted melodies from Johann Strauss and Franz Lehar and belonged to the well-known soubrettes of Berlin.

One of her first great successes was her appearance in the operetta "Der Soldat der Marie" (16) and finally the film business became aware of the singer with the comedic flair.

She made her film debut in 1916 with "Dalles und Liebe, it followed the productions "Im stillen Ozean" (17), "Der unwiderstehliche Theodor" (18) and "Wenn Männer streiken" (19).

In the 20s she played to the gallery as a cabaret artist with Berliner Schnauze and poke fun at the every day life of Berlin. Beside it she still appeared in movies, among them "Wenn die Liebe nicht wär..." (20), "Fridericus Rex - 2. Teil: Vater und Sohn" (22), "Die Mühle von Sanssouci" (26), "Lotte" (28) and "Drei machen ihr Glück/Teure Heimat" (29).

In the sound film era of the 30s she was often engaged for support roles.
To her most popular movies of those years belong "Der Hampelmann" (30), "Ein ausgekochter Junge" (31), "Seine erste Liebe" (33), "Herr Kobin geht auf Abenteuer" (34), "Das Veilchen vom Potsdamer Platz" (36), "Urlaub auf Ehrenwort" (38) and "Skandal um den Hahn" (38).

During wartime she acted in her last movies like "Tip auf Amalia" (40), "Krach im Vorderhaus" (41), "Wir machen Musik" (42) and "Herr Sanders lebt gefährlich" (44).

After the war she made a comeback as a cabaret artist and appeared regularly at the Berliner Kammerbrettl.

Other movies with Lotte Werkmeister: 
Familie Streusand (16) Wie Bubi Detektiv wurde (17) Flimmersterne (19) Nur ein Diener (19) Lachende Herzen (19) Das Kussverbot (20) Leo und seine Kammerjungfer (21) Schnurzel als Modell (21) Sturm und Drang (21) Ich war zu Heidelbeg Student (27) In Werder blühen die Bäume (28) Kabarett-Programm Nr. 3 (31) Kabarett-Programm Nr. 5 (31) Zurück zur Natur (31) Aafa-Kunterbunt II (32) Zu Befehl, Herr Unteroffizier (32) Welle 4711 (33) Ein Mädchen mit Prokura (34) Die törichte Jungfrau (35) Wir gratulieren (36) Steckbrief 606 (37) Der Besserwisser (37) Die Stimme aus dem Äther (39) In Sachen Herder contra Brandt (39) Wenn Männer verreisen (40) Das himmelblaue Abendkleid (41) Sechs Tage Heimaturlaub (41) Ein schöner Tag (44)
