J. Barnes Sherry  Foto: Fred Hartsook (1876-1930)
1870 - 1944 |
The actor J. Barney Sherry belonged to the pioneers of the American
film and he became one of the first US movie stars, first under the
pseudonym James B. Reeves, later as J. Barney Sherry.
But his
career already began in earlier years on stage where he made his stage
debut with the play "Jack and the Beanstalk". He played the role of the
His first movies came in 1905 into being with "Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman" (05) and "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (05).
From 1909 he took part in numerous movies in which he impersonated very different roles. To
his well-known works of those years belong "The Mexican's Crime" (09),
"A Romance of the Prairie" (10), "The Man from Texas" (10), "Lost for
Many Years" (10), "The Sea Wolves" (10), "The Totem Mark" (11),
"Evangeline" (11), "The Colonel's Peril" (12), "A White Lie" (12), "A
Shadow of the Past" (13), "The Counterfeiter" (13), "The Banshee" (13),
"Devition" (13), "The Soul of the South" (13), "The Mills of the Gods"
(14), "The Devil" (15) and "The Valley of Hate" (15).
appearances in front of the camera remained extensive in the 2nd half
of the 10s and he appeared in the movies "The Raiders" (16), "The
Aryan" (16), "The Phantom" (16), "The Snarl" (17), "Ten of Diamonds"
(17), "Fanatics" (17), "Who Killed Walton?" (18), "The Reckoning Day"
(18), "Mary Regan" (19), Yvonne from Paris" (19) and "The Tiger Lily"
His impressive film career remained restricted to the silent film era. So his last cinematical works came in the 20s into being where he was engaged for many movies again. To
these movies belong "The Breath of the Gods" (20), "The Barbarian"
(21), "Shadows of the Sea" (22), "Secrets of Paris" (22), "Till We Meet
Again" (22), "Dixie" (24), "Born Rich" (24), "Lying Wives" (25), "False
Pride" (25), "The Brown Derby" (26), "Spider Webs" (27), "Alex the
Great" (28) and "In Old Madrid" (29).
J. Barney Sherry remained active at the theater in later years as well and he acted regular at the Playhouse in Philadelphia.
Other movies with J. Barney
The Paymaster (09) Pardners (10)
Luck of Roaring Camp (10) The Ten of Spades or A Western Raffle (10)
The Mexican's Ward (10) A Western Romance (10) Bradford's Claim (10)
Perils of the Plains (10) Saved from the Redmen (10) Her Terrible Peril
(10) The Stolen Claim (10) In the Shadow of the Pines (11) Little
Dove's Romance (11) Kit Carson's Wooing (11) The Voyager: A Tale of Old
Canada (11) John Oakhurst, Gambler (11) An Indian Vestal (11) Coals of
Fire (11) The Chief's Daughter (11) George Warrington's Escape (11) War
on the Plains (12) The Heart of an Indian (12) The Battle of the Red
Men (12) The Deserter (12) The Crisis (12) Blazing the Trail (12) The
Lieutenant's Last Fight (12) The Outcast (12) Memories of a Pioneer
(12) A Soldier's Honor (12) His Punishment (12) The Sheriff of Stoney
Butte (12) His Nemesis (12) His Double Life (12) The Bugle Call (12)
Sundered Ties (12) For the Honor of the Seventh (12) Custer's Last
Fight (12) The Sergeant's Boy (12) The Sheriff's Adopted Child (12) The
Colonel's Ward (12) Blood Will Tell (12) The Law of the West (12) The
Burning Brand (13) In the Ranks (13) The Paymaster's Son (13) A
Bluegrass Romance (13) The Wheels of Destiny (13) The Pride of the
South (13) The Grey Sentinel (13) Will o' the Wisp (13) Past Redemption
(13) The Sea Dog (13) The Miser (13) The Battle of Gettysburg (13) A
True Believer (13) Granddad (13) The Heritage of Eve (13) The Struggle
(13) Silent Heroes (13) The Belle of Yorktown (13) The Open Door (13)
Eileen of Erin (13) A Military Judas (14) For Her Brother's Sake (14)
North of 53 (14) So Shall Ye Reap (14) The Bells of Austi (14) The
Squire's Son (14) The Forest Vampires (14) The Social Ghost (14) The
Latent Spark (14) From Out of the Dregs (14) The Final Reckoning (14)
The Long Feud (14) An Eleventh Hour Reformation (14) The Word of His
People (14) The Power of the Angelus (14) The Bargain (14) Mother of
the Shadows (14) Two-Gun Hicks (14) A Flower in the Desert (14) The
Deadly Spark (15) A Lucky Blowout (15) The Still on Sunset Mountain
(15) Mr. "Silent" Haskins (15) The Disillluisonment of Jane (15) The
Cup of Life (15) Rumpelstiltskin (15) The Operator at Big Sandy (15)
The Scales of Justice (15) A Pice of Amber (15) The Burglar's Baby (15)
The Tide of Fortune (15) The Man from Oregon (15) Between Men (15) The
Golden Claw (15) The Beckoning Flame (15) Aloha Oe (15) Civilization
(15) The Conqueror (16) The Green Swamp (16) Bullets and Brown Eyes
(16) The Stepping Stone (16) Civilization's Child (16) The Weaker Sex
(17) The Iced Bullet (17) Back of the Man (17) Blood Will Tell (17) The
Millionaire Vagrant (17) Love or Justice (17) Madcap Madge (17) A
Strange Transgressor (17) Borrowed Plumage (17) Flying Colors (17) The
Stainless Barrier (17) The Fuel of Life (17) The Gown of Destiny (17)
The Argument (18) Real Folks (18) A Soul in Trust (18) The Hard Rock
Breed (18) Her Decision (18) High Stakes (18) The Secret Code (18)
Restless Souls (19) The Forbidden Room (19) Extravagance (19) The Mayor
of Filbert (19) The Master Man (19) A Little Brother of the Rich (19)
This Hero Stuff (19) A Man's Fight (19) The Black Gate (19) A Gun
Fightin' Gentleman (19) The Lion Man (19) The River's End (20) The
Forged Bride (20) Go and Get It (20) Darling Mine (20) Occasionally
Yours (20) Dinty (20) Just Outside the Door (21) Man-Woman-Marriage
(21) Thunderclap (21) Burn 'Em Up Barnes (21) The Lotus Eater (21) Back
Pay (22) Island Wives (22) The Broken Silence (22) John Smith (22)
Sure-Fire Flint (22) A Woman's Woman (22) Notoriety (22) When the
Desert Calls (22) What Fools Men Are (22) The Inner Man (22) Jacqueline
or Blazing Barriersw (23) The White Sister (23) Miami (24) Lend Me Your
Husband (24) The Warrens of Virginia (24) Galloping Hoofs (24) Enemies
of Youth (25) The Crackerjack (25) Daughters Who Pay (25) I Play Ball
(25) A Little Girl in a Big City (25) The Live Wire (25) Casey of the
Coast Guard (26) Broken Homes (26) Prince of Tempters (26) The Crimson
Flash (27) The Wright Idea (28) Heart of General Robert E. Lee (28) The
Voice Within (29) Jazz Heaven (29) Boradway Scandals (29)