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Günter Neumann 1913 - 1972 |
. The author and film composer Günter Neumann began his artistic career as a humorist at the piant at the "Cabaret der Komiker", later followed appearances at the cabaret "Katakombe". His first contact to the film business was not as a writer or as a composer but as an actor. He impesonated a small role in Fritz Lang's movie "M" (31). He gained a foothold in the film business at the end of the 30s and he wrote few film compositions for movies like "Einmal werd' ich Dir gefallen" (38) and "Der dunkle Punkt" (40) as well as the scripts for "Paradies der Junggesellen" (39), "Kleine Mädchen - grosse Sorgen" (41) and "Eine kleine Sommermelodie" (44). He remained active in buth fields after the war. As a film composer he wrote the sound for "Berliner Ballade" (48), "Der kleine Napoleon" (55), "Schneewittchen und die sieben Gaukler" (62) and "Hofball bei Zille" (72). As a screen writer he was responsible for the productions "Berliner Ballade" (48), "Herrliche Zeiten" (50), "Der kleine Napoleon" (55), "Das Wirtshaus im Spessart" (58), "Wir Wunderkinder" (58), "Der Engel, de seine Harfe versetzte" (59), "Das Spukschloss im Spessart" (60), "Herrliche Zeiten im Spessart" (67) and some episodes of the serial "Ein verrücktes Paar". As an actor he only appeared in few mor productions in front of the camera, e.g. "Rückblende 1963" (63) and "Rottenknechte" (71). He founded the popular cabaret "Die Insulaner" in 1948 which achieved huge popularity via radio and later television. Günter Neumann was married with the actress Tatjana Sais.
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