French Film |
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Alain Delon
1935 - 2024 |
. The actor Alain Delon belong to the institutions of the French film like Jean-Paul Belmondo or Jean Gabin. He became a trademark who was well-known beyond the border. Alain Delon grew up by foster-parents, when they died he came to a boarding
school where he crystallized to be a difficult contemporary. He was shifted
from one school to the other.
He impersonated his first role in a motion picture with „Quand la femme s'en mêle - Killer lassen bitten“ (57). Briefly afterwards he attracted international attention with movies like „Plein soleil - Nur die Sonne war Zeuge“ (59) and „Rocco e i suoi fratelli - Rocco und seine Brüder“ (60). Within no time he managed the jump to the worldwide film business, his cool nature, the cold-bloodness and reserve but also his appearance fascinated. The 60's marked the height of his career. Other well-known movies were „Il gattopardo - Der Leopard“ (62), „Mélodie en sous-sol - Lautlos wie die Nacht“ (63), „La tulipe noire - Die schwarze Tulpe“ (63), „Lost Command - Sie fürchten weder Tod noch Teufel“ (65) and finally „Le samourai - Der eiskalte Engel“ (67), which presented his appearance to a common denominator. Alain Delon still got interesting roles in the 70's which maintained his reputation - „La piscine - Der Swimminpool“ (69), where he met again his long-standing fiancée Romy Schneider, wo er mit seiner langjährigen Verlobten Romy Schneider wieder zusammentraf, „Le clan des Siciliens - Der Clan der Sizilianer“ (69), „Borsalino“ (70), „Scorpio - Scorpio, der Killer“ (73), „Zorro“ (74), „Le gitan - Der Zigeuner“ (74), „Monsieur Klein“ (76) and „The Concorde: Airport '79“ (79). The roles he impersonated changed in the 80's and 90's from adventure and ganster movies to other genres - „Un amour de Swann - Eine Liebe von Swann“ (84), „Notre histoire - Geschichte eines Lächelns“ (85), „Nouvelle Vague“ (90), „Le retour de Casanova - Casanovas Rückkehr“ (92) and „L'ours en peluche - Der Teddybär“ (94). The movie „Une chance sur deux - Alle meine Väter“ (98) realised a reunion of Alain Delon and Jean-Paul Belmondo after their former movie „Borsalino“ (70) . Alain Delon was among others married with the actresses Nathalie
Delon and Mireille Darc.
Other movies with Alain Delon:
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